College Students Face Mental Health Issues

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Many college students, worldwide, face mental health issues because the pressures of college . Various responsbilities as a college student is the cause of this on going affair. Such as loan payments, passing courses, securing finicial stablity for every semester, social issues and determining their whole future before even living half of their lives. 55% of US college students drop out due to the stress.This is not minor issues at stake for students, falling behind in college is detrimental and a waste of money. Having this all weigh on their shoulders at such a young age is extreme, being that most students start at only eight-teen years old. Poor mental health among teens is a problem. Achieveing good grades in college is already known to be hard but maintaining a healthy social life in college can be even harder. From appearence, social media,athletic …show more content…

It cost a lot to enter and even more to survive during. Majority of students who get into college go into debt in order to attend.Without meeting payments on the loan, this can disqualify students from taking out anymore loans to continue school plus interest. This resulted in 70% of college students in the United states to get a job. With majoirty of minimum wage checks going towards necesssities to live comfortably, it is not enough to meet loan payments. When asking, Diamond Dillion a Jr at Delaware State University, about her finicial stablity through out her college career she stated "It's been awful since the day i agreed to take out a student loans. I've been working since I was a freshmen and it was never enough. In fact working only built on to my stress." 70% of bachelor's degree recipients graduate with debt, according to Watchmarket. Maintaining a job and keeping a high GPA resulted in the average american student being stressed. Stress can effect students mental health and can lead to suppressing a immune system and deteriorating the

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