College Experience Essay

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A huge transition from high school, college can either be a wonderful experience or a horrible experience depending on the person and the situation. To me, college was both, a horrible, yet wonderful experience. I learned a lot about myself throughout the semester. With each failure I realized a little something more about myself. Regardless if I do continue attending the same university, these past few months have brought about something in me that I could have never done alone. Looking back at the first day, I was still young and curious of the world. It was the first day of high school again and I spent most of my time just looking for the right classroom. I was still ambivalent about my major, but I just decided to push through and maybe figure out my major later. As the weeks went by, I began to experience a lot more of what the “college life” is really like. Every professor was unique, and I even had the same professor twice! Taking notes became sort of like second nature to me, and since most professors taught through PowerPoint, I became a master note taker. The assignments and homework on the …show more content…

College is fun, it is stressful, and you will fail, but if you continue to push threw and thrive off this, you will in the end, succeed. I still haven’t found my calling in life, or even came close to finding myself of decent job with good pay but that’s okay. I now understand that I am still young, I still have a lot to learn other than math and science. There are some lessons in life that some of us just must learn the hard way. I don’t leave this semester with frustration and regrets of what has happened, instead I will cherish it forever knowing that it has made me a smarter and wiser individual. My semester could have gone a lot better but thanks to this gigantic “failure” I am now more excited than ever to chase my dreams and continue my

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