College Essay On Jewelry

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My 8th grade project was on designing jewelry.The way I began creating Jewelry was with a family friend he was behind on work for a baby shower so I helped him make many different baby looking accessories. we created some neat looking necklaces rosaries,and bracelets for the guest to wear and win as prizes. I never knew you could have so much fun designing jewelry using my imagination to make others smile and happy.Also jewelry makes good gifts and to you can make money from it. Now to figure out what people really like in their fashion.

I choose designing jewelry for my project because I love doing it. Designing jewelry turned into a passion for me.I love how it keeps my mind focused in the beauty of life. The sparkles …show more content…

There were many people at my church that wanted rosaries for themselves and to give as presents. After the overwhelming load of work we had we figured that we were going to take a break for a while. Now we are on our break and in February is when we will do a lot of research and slowly begin with the jewelry again. Making jewelry is harder than most people think. Its not like matching a bunch of beads theres work behind the beauty. I find jewelry very complex. In the eyes of a designer the colors have to look nice with an eye catching flow. The length in the wire/string has to be a certain length to look right. Even so much as a wrongly cut wire can affect the quality on the clasps and the way that the necklace connects together. Personally I think that rosaries are most complex because where the wire splits they can't look all roughed up and jagged or else they don't come out looking nice. Adding accessories is very hard as well because it could become more complex with the rest of the beading. Sometimes it could be many minutes before I decide which bead is going to go next. The hardest part for me is choosing color and pattern. Theres so many colors and differently shaped beads to choose from. Also sizes there's variety in jewel sizes and how the different sizes appeal to the rest of the beads matters big time. All big beads and a midget bead may not look so nice together.So when youre making jewerly its important to make good

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