College Essay On Boy Scouts

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For the last few years, I’ve been involved in Boy Scouts of America. Boy Scouts is very important to me, and has been a huge influence for good on me. Scouting teaches its participance various skills, values, and morals. Some of the knowledge I’ve gained is mostly only useful while camping, but most if it is very use full in everyday life. Scouting has taught me many physical skills. I’ve learned to build a fire in pouring rain, camp outdoors in below freezing weather, hike for hours at a time, navigate by the stars, and most importantly how to have fun doing it. By earning merit badges such as the First Aid merit badge and the Emergency Preparedness merit badge, I’ve learned how to safely and efficiently save lives. However, one important skill I’ve learned is not a physical skill. When I first joined scouts, I had problems just …show more content…

The scouts in the troop decide how, what, when, and where to do activities. Mostly, the adults are present for safety and to give advice. I served my troop as the Senior Patrol Leader, the highest youth leader. In filling this position, I was responsible for overseeing scout meetings, communicating with adults, and making and executive decisions. Scouts all pledge to obey the scout law. Just as scouts use a compass to stay on the correct path, we use the scout law as a moral compass to help discern what’s right and what’s wrong. The Law is: A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. I firmly believe that these qualities are something everyone should strive for in every aspect of their lives, and if everyone lived up to them, the world would be a much better place. The largest way scouting has influenced my intellectual and professional goals is my show me I can do anything if I really want it. Sometimes in scouting I’ve wanted to give up when the going got rough. But when I’ve persevered, I’ve been able to accomplish my

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