College Admissions Essay: Caregiving And Selling Money

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The first time I can remember handling money was at five years old. My grandfather had given me a few quarters he pretended to pull out of my ear and sent me on my merry way, seventy-five cents richer than I was before. I dutifully hid the spare change away in my new Scooby-Doo branded bank, trying to keep in mind what I had been taught: save as much as possible. Almost all of society drilled that epithet into my head—save, save, save! It was not until many years later that I fully understood the consequences of making sure I always had a safety net to help in emergencies. In a startling study by Bankrate, more than six in ten Americans have fewer than one thousand dollars in savings to cover an unexpected large expense. If a dreadful situation …show more content…

A penny pincher at heart, I always stop and think before I hand over my debit card for superfluous purchases. Any extra cash I receive goes straight into my savings account to earn interest that will help me down the road. I even go old school when it comes to balancing my checkbook; I save all receipts and store them for at least a year.
While paying for college, I want to relieve as much of my parents’ financial burden as possible. To combat the skyrocketing costs of a college education, I have worked hard to save through odd jobs while juggling the rigors of school and community service. Unfortunately, the amount I have saved is nowhere close to the total amount I will need to pay for tuition.
Accepting that reality has made me realize that attending a public, in-state college would allow me to graduate as debt-free as possible. According to the Federal Reserve, Americans currently owe close to $1.5 trillion dollars in student loans. I hope to add as little to that amount as possible. The only way to do that is to remember the thrifty principles I learned growing up and continue to manage my money wisely. Having a dedicated savings plan is the first step in making sure I am financially secure for the

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