Coleus and Terrariums
Coleus is a very beautiful plant that consists of over 150 different species. It is best known for its colorful foliage. Coleus can grow well in any soil above 55 degrees Fahrenheit. The pretty plant can grow in terrariums. Terrariums are “gardens under glass” which means that they are jars or glass boxes that can be filled with soil and other things that plants need to grow. They don’t have to be watered so once they are finished, all there is to do is to sit and look at the plant. Will coleus grow faster in a large, small, or medium sized terrarium?
Coleus blumei
Coleus plants are durable and easy to grow. They are best known for their bright colors and variety of foliage forms. Although they are technically a “tender perennial” (even the slightest frost will cause them to die), they are most often considered to be an annual plant by growers and seed producers. Coleus plants may be grown in the garden in bright, indirect light, or in partial shade. The lower growing dwarf varieties (six to twelve inches) will create a colorful border, or the taller (three foot) types can be used as a dramatic background plant. Most coleus plants will survive full sun exposure. The foliage color, however, is often enhanced when they are grown in shade. Coleuses are also quite striking when they are planted in a container and grown as a houseplant. By removing the flower spikes as they develop and keeping the plant pinched back, the coleus can be kept in a perennial state for several seasons. Although these plants are members of the nettle family, they are a mint. They do not have the stinging properties of the nettle.
A coleus makes a nice houseplant as long as it receives sufficient light and food. The coleus should be planted in a light, quick draining planting soil. It should be placed where it will receive several hours of bright light (south window) each day, or provide artificial “grow” lighting for best leaf color, and fullest plant. Coleus plants will adapt to a wide range of temperatures above 55 degrees, but will grow best when they are kept between 70 and 85 degrees. The soil should be kept evenly moist, but never soggy. The coleus plants should be fed monthly with a diluted (50% mix) liquid houseplant fertilizer. Flower buds must be pinched off as soon as they develop to prevent the plant from producing seeds.
Two members of the group were instructed to visit the laboratory each day of the experiment to water and measure the plants (Handout 1). The measurements that were preformed were to be precise and accurate by the group by organizing a standardized way to measure the plants. The plants were measured from the level of the soil, which was flat throughout all the cups, to the tip of the apical meristems. The leaves were not considered. The watering of the plants took place nearly everyday, except for the times the lab was closed. Respective of cup label, the appropriate drop of solution was added to the plant, at the very tip of the apical meristems.
The experiment was designed to test the hypothesis by planting an increasing number of genus Helianthus (sunflower) seeds in pots to see how they respond to increased density in limited space. Two replicates each of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 seeds were planted in similar size pots containing an equal mix of potting soil and perlite. All plants were kept in greenhouse conditions exposed to similar light and temperatures settings and were watered at equivalent intervals. At the end of the time period each pot was evaluated for number of seeds that had germinated as well as number of stems with blooms. Stems and blooms were cut and weighed.
Who would have been the best suited leader of Rome in sixth century B.C.? Many believe it could have been Marcus Antonius, Marcus Brutus, or the great Julius Caesar. Marcus Brutus is known to be the most honorable man in Rome at the time and was well respected. Caesar is the ruler and has a successful military. He also seeks wealth and power. Antony is Caesar’s right hand man and good friend. He later acquires the position that Caesar had and also seeks wealth and power. All three men are after the job, but Brutus is obviously the one who was most suited for it and also the only one who never got the chance.
Tacitus lived under the reign of Domitian, twenty years after Nero. His family originated from southern Gaul. After becomng a barrister he was promoted to the position of provincial governor in 112-113AD in Asia. Under the reign of Domitian, Tacitus was incredibly lucky that he managed to survive, unlike many of his colleagues. Domitian disposed of rivals and opposition, thus making him a very paranoid man. The killings of these men started Tacitus' anti-emperor feelings. Domitian's reign was modelled on Tiberius' who Tacitus also heavily criticised. But, in Annals 13 and 14, Tacitus concentrated n Nero, whom he despised.
Every day of observation, the liquid treatments were applied to the plants.. A spray bottle was used to administer gibberellic acid, Cycocel, or water to the plants. One bottle contained only water, another contained 100 parts per million of gibberellic acid, and the other contained a 1:100 dilution of Cycocel also known as B-9 solution. Two full squeezes were dispensed over each of the four sections of a occupied quadrant. The nozzles were sprayed into a small plastic tube to avoid cross-contamination with adjacent quadrants. The plants were kept under fluorescent light on a timed cycle where they were on for 16 hours of the day and off for the other
The idea of gods and goddesses began as far back as the ancient Egyptians, but the ancient Greeks were the first group to form a religion based on gods and goddesses. They believed that the gods and goddesses were not different from humans. Some of the few ways humans were different from gods were that the gods were stronger and lived forever. Since the Greeks believe in many gods, they are Polytheists.
the effect light has on the growth of pea plants. It will take place in an environment with controlled light, with equal amounts of plants being grown in the light and in the dark. All elements of the experiment other than light will be kept the same, such as amount of seeds in each pot, amount of soil in each pot and amount of water given to each plant each day. This will ensure a fair experiment. Prediction: I predict that in general, the plants grown in the light will grow better than those grown in the dark.
...l differences on tannia accessions on the length of petiole, leaf blade length and width, and size cormel.
(Laura I think this first paragraph can go in a side bar with a picture of the plant otherwise it can be the first paragraph - your choice)
A Brassica rapa belongs to a field mustard genus and its common name is the cabbage plant (Anonymous 2001). In this experiment, the effect of the gibberellic acid was tested on a standard and dwarf plants. A dwarf plant is not the average height of a standard plant. The gibberellic acid has a chemical substance that could increase the height of a plant. The gibberellic acid would determine whether or not it had an affect the plants height.
In terms of temperature, some groups will have soil with a higher temperature and others will try a lower temperature. Groups 1-4 will plant seeds in soil that has a soil with a low temperature (50° - 65°) and groups 5-9 will plant the seeds in a soil with a moderate temperature (65° - 80°, the final group will plant seeds in soil that has the highest temperature (80° - 95°). These temperatures will range from 50° to 95°. Soil moisture will vary depending on the group and how much water they decide to use. For example, different soil types absorb water differently. As far as our grouping, the first group (1-4) will be planting seeds using soil with the highest level of moisture being about 10m3, the second group will using soil with a slightly lower moisture
The story takes place in the area outside of the Roman Empire. We know this because it says, “distant Latin neighbours.” It is in ‘very olden times’ and we know that the king modeled his arena and structured it ‘borrowed from afar.’ This is a reference to the Roman Colesseum, and therefore story takes place after 70 AD. The time is a specific date, during the day: “Public notice was given that on an appointed day the fate of the accused person would be decided in the king’s arena.” The social condition of this story is the most important element of the setting. It is a semi-barbaric society. The king finds out that his daughter has fallen in love with a commoner. He sees this as a crime, and the setting is to determine if the commoner
Myrtaceae, also known as the Myrtle family; are known for their high adaptability and survival rate within harsh Australian environments allowing them to survive in a variety of ecological conditions. The family varies from tall trees to medium sized shrubs and are found in tropical and sub-tropical environments though can be found growing in desert like conditions due to low nutrient soil present on the coastal lines. It is also known for its high abundance of fragrant oils it produces (David V. Beardsell. Etal, 1993).
Cotton is an annual, biennial or perennial plant, but in cultivation it is generally treated as an annual; herbaceous to short shrub or small tree - two to six feet tall. It consist of a primary axis, erect and branched with a vegetative lower zone having monopodial branches, and a fruiting upper zone with sympodial branches. The leaves of the cotton plant alternate, cordate petiolate, three to nine lobed and palmately veined, with varying size, texture, shape and hairiness. The large, showy, cream yellow, red or purple flowers are extra axillary, terminal, solitary, and borne on sympodial branches. The calyx (= collectively the sepals) consists of a very short cup-shaped structure at the base of the corolla. The five petals of the corolla are either free or slightly united at the base of the convoluted bud (Sundararaj, 1974).
A typical cactus belongs to the succulent and moist plant family known as Cactaceae. Cactus contains more than 2000 varieties which develop in different shapes and sizes. We can plant these cacti in our house because some varieties of cacti can require little amount of daylight. These plants blossom in warm and sunny climates also. There are certain varieties of cacti which produce seasonal flowers when conditions are favourable. In some circumstances their flowers also come in various colours, shapes and sizes.