Cole When Everything Went Away Analysis

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I believe that cole failed himself and not the banishment because cole let his anger take over himself and did the wrong thing to try and make himself feel better,and feel like he is the man and can do whatever he wants to do. Yes cole did change when garvey and edwin got cole from the island, He said that he was fine after he was attacked by a bear and he was not, but he changed and meant that he is fine because he changed

I think that cole should go back to the island so he can change and realize that not everything is under the devil's control and that not everything is bad as it seems. Cole needs to realize that there is a more worse punishment than to just going to the island for a year, like a 30 year sentence to jail and things …show more content…

Garvey was the same way as Cole, like he hurt someone, didn trust anyone who wasn't scared of him. Garvey put that must trust into Cole because Garvey wanted Cole to be the person he is supposed to be in the world and didn't want Cole to go into the world when he was still hurting people and he didn't want to see Cole get arrested and sent to jail for beating or killing …show more content…

They teach him wrong from right. They caused a big role in Cole's life and they didn't take it the best way. His mother and father got a divorce and the mother never does anything for cole and his father beats on him.
“We have devoted our lives to cole. We-” “all you care about is you!” Cole interrupted. “look how you’re dressed. Nobody else here is. “That’s not true,” protested his father. He grabbed Cole’s arm roughly, but then let go. He glared at Cole and pointed the feather in his face. “you control your mouth, son, or I’ll-” or you’ll what?” cole taunted. “Beat me?” Cole gets beat to the point where the shirt can’t hide the scars,cuts, and the bruises from his father. When Cole's father beats on him Cole's mom does nothing to try and stop it. she just sits there and does nothing beside

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