Cold War Dbq

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Gianna Herrera U.S. History May 21, 2024. The Cold War The Cold War was a period where geopolitical tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union were high. The Cold War had many impacts globally and on society during that time. While the Cold War is not necessarily seen as a war as the troops never directly fought against one another, multiple battles were done out of competition and fear of what the other, the United States or the Soviet Union, may do to them if they get the upper hand. When WW2 had ended, many officials in America had begun to discuss the defense against the Soviet threat and agreed the best solution was containment. George Kennan explained the strategy in the “Long Telegram” that the Soviet Union was a political …show more content…

The US decided to use a long-term strategy that involved being patient and firm in using the containment strategy to watch Russia and make sure they did not further expand their territory. Kennan continued by discussing that it should be the United States’ policy to provide aid to free people who have been resisting coercion. These ideals went on to shape America’s foreign policy for the next 40 years. The containment strategy they came up with began to give a rationale for the revolutionary need for arms in the United States. Government organizations began to agree with President Truman that the United States should use armed forces to suppress expansionism from the Communist Party. As a result of this, there was a call for a four times increase in militia spending, particularly to prepare the defensive side. Government workers in the United States have started to urge the development of atomic weapons. This began a race between the Soviets and the US, a competition to see who would develop their first atomic weapon. The Soviets tested their atomic weapon, with the US following and claiming that they would create a larger atomic weapon, Joseph Stalin followed suit. …show more content…

Anti-Communist politicians began to expand their examination of the HUAC to people who worked government jobs. Thousands of people who worked in federal jobs were then looked into, fired, and prosecuted. Anti-Communism spread throughout the 1950’s, professors who taught liberal arts were fired, many testified against their co-workers, and loyalty oaths became commonplace. The fight against rebellion had resulted in much concern as it began to mirror the Soviet Union’s threat. In the summer of 1950, military action began in the Cold War when the Soviets supported the North Korean People’s Army as it invaded South Korea, which supported the Western part of the hemisphere. American officials feared that this war marked the beginning of a communist campaign to gain control of the world and decided that intervention was necessary. In 1955, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) decided that Western Germany would become a member of the organization and would be allowed to remilitarize. The Soviets then followed suit by making the Warsaw Pact which was a pact of multiple countries including Albania, Hungary, East Germany, and Bulgaria that was a unified military force. Multiple

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