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Social implications of marriage for young adults
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Cohabitation is when a couple chooses to live together without marriage, becoming sexually active and turning away from God. The Catholic Church loves those who are engaged but strongly watch over them if they are cohabitating. Sex outside of marriage is morally wrong and sinful. Sadly, today cohabiting is the norm, (SC 1) unlike before where it was strongly disapproved and those who did cohabit with others were discourages but now the world does not care anymore. Many people choose to cohabit because they may feel naïve and may not understand what they are feeling or the temptation is too strong to fight. Also, many couples mistake this choice for freedom, thinking they are freer if they cohabit. That is where the virtue of chastity is needed because chastity is the virtue that helps have self-control over pleasures and wants. A chaste person is not driven by urges or passions but can control themselves for the gift of their true selves to their real spouse. God made sex as a way to express our love physically with our spouse after marriage and for procreation, but sex is abused when people use it for nothing more than for physical pleasure. (SC 1)Couples should not live together without marriage, because they will undermine the benefits of marriage and doing so will have them in spiritual danger, they will create psychological stress, and it jeopardizes family relationships.
Cohabiting is very tempting but it is simply wrong and immoral. Sex before marriage is like opening a gift before Christmas, but waiting for their wedding day creates yearning and self-restraint which will help you give yourself truly to your spouse. Marriage is vital for a healthy family relationship (SC 1). That is why the church encourages you to receive Reconciliation and Eucharist regularly to keep the engaged couple out of harm’s way. Statistics and studies show that without a healthy family relationships, there will be a higher chance of break-up, divorce. Later, even if they end up being a happily married family, there will always be a sense of uncertainty and cautiousness knowing that your spouse could not wait until after marriage to have sex. That is why couples need to ask themselves many questions such as, “How do you see your faith and love for each other as an intimate part of your marriage?
According to the Bible, a man must leave his parents and be united with his wife forever. The bible never said that a man must leave his parents, find a woman, cohabit with her, and finally marry her. It is true that certain Christians cohabitate before marriage and are still able to have a divorce-free marriage. However, couple to reduce their chance of divorce must follow the Bible and wait until they become married to live together. By doing so, they will be able to see the real value of marriage, really think about if they really want to marry their partner. As an illustration, a Christian who had followed the Bible rules said, “My wife was a great treasure which I had to patiently wait for” (Sargent). Finally, people should avoid cohabitation to respect the Bible
Text Box: “I, (name) do take thee, (Name) to be my lawful wedded husband/wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.†A quote from the traditional Wedding Mass
Cohabitation, over the last two decades has gone from being a relatively uncommon social phenomenon to a commonplace one and has achieved this prominence quite quickly. A few sets of numbers convey both the change and its rapidity. The percentage of marriages preceded by cohabitation rose from about 10% for those marrying between 1965 and 1974 to over 50% for those marrying between 1990 and 1994 (Bumpass and Lu 1999, Bumpass & Sweet 1989); the percentage is even higher for remarriages. Secondly, the percentage of women in their late 30s who report having cohabited at least once rose from 30% in 1987 to 48% in 1995. Given a mere eight year tome window, this is a striking increase. Finally, the proportion of all first unions (including both marriages and cohabitation) that begin as cohabitations rose from 46% for unions formed between 1980 and 1984 to almost 60% for those formed between 1990 and 1994 (Bumpass and Lu 1999).
Marriage - Catholics believe that marriage comes as a gift from the hand of God. The Catholic vision of marriage is to unite a couple together for all of life in front of God to bless them and insure them a life of eternal love. It has these main aspects through marriage it unites a couple in faithful and mutual love, opens a couple to giving life and reproducing Gods greatest creation, is a way to respond to God’s call to holiness and follow in his faith and calls the couple to be a sign of Christ’s love in the world and live happy lives in the arms of God. Overall it is important that married people follow in the words of the lord and preach what he has given and share their bond forever, live happy and be selfless.
Celibacy is an art, something you have to continuously practice. A husband or wife does not learn how to be a good spouse on the day of his or her wedding. Likewise, a priest does not learn what it means to be a good priest on the day of his ordination. Being successful comes with growth. Each of us thrives in a hermeneutic experience; the priest can greater accomplish this through celibacy. A priest vows to chastity to give himself up to God and to make him available to love and help as many other people as possible, just as Jesus did. Jesus was only around for 33 years. Priests need to be the ones who continue his teachings and share His gift. The gift of celibacy that priests receive can truly bring them near God and further help the people of the community learn how to be closer to God.
There are three reasons that cohabitation before marriage is beneficial; it allows couples to learn one another and as a team forms an identity, decide if marriage is for you, and lowers the divorce rate.
When a man and a woman come together and bind in holy matrimony, two people become one. In marriage, two people come before the pastor and under God with their partner, to recite promises that are vows. In many religions such as Christianity and Catholicism, sex should be for left only for marriage. Sex is an emotional experience that is for married people to enjoy sexual pleasure together. Love and trust are sacred for the foundation of marriage.
There are many advantages and disadvantages in living together before marriage. Today there are many couples living together before marriage. Sometimes these kinds of relationships 'living together before marriage' end up with success and sometimes they are unsuccessful. Some of the advantages of living together before marriage are such as getting to know your partner, learning about one's abilities if he/she can satisfy your expectations and more. Also, there are some disadvantages in living together before marriage and they are such as religious and family values, parenting problems and more. I think there are more advantages then disadvantages in living together before marriage, because sometimes disadvantages in this kind of relationship are avoidable.
to do and a guarantee to each partner. If we ask an engaged couple why
Bruce Wydick argued that, “cohabitation may be narrowly defined as an intimate sexual union between two unmarried partners who share the same living quarter for a sustained period of time’’ (2). In other words, people who want to experience what being in a relationship truly is, tend to live under one roof and be more familiar with one-another. Couples are on the right path to set a committed relationship where the discussion about marriage is considered as the next step. However, many people doubt the fact as to live or not together with their future partners. Some of them think about it as an effective way to have a chance to get to know a potential husband/spouse. Meanwhile, others completely deny the idea due to their disagreements with certain religious beliefs. Wydick suggested that, “the increase in premarital cohabitation is a product of a general movement within western society away from traditional ideas about marriage, divorce, birth control, abortion, women’s rights, and a host of other related issues” (4). Consequently, now people are more open-minded, meaning that they accept the idea of pre-cohabitation mainly as a social institution. People should live together before they get married because they have a chance to test their partnership and avoid the problems that may arise in the future.
But cohabitation is morally wrong, if we believe in the moral absolutes that “in a culture which recognizes legal marriage as the public testimony of a man and a woman that they are committing themselves to one another, and thereby assume all the duties as well as privileges of marriage.” In Genesis 2:24 even though it is not overtly mentioned the idea of leaving and cleaving and making a covenant with another person is inferred. When a couple makes their vow during the wedding ceremony they enter into a covenant with one another. This vow is a commitment “to the future as well as the present, whereas cohabitation tends to be a relationship just of the present with the future deliberately left open- ended.” Marriage should not be a private contract between two people and should be conducted in the presence of witnesses. A biblical example is the wedding in Cana, where family and friends were present to witness the
Holy Matrimony is the sacrament that bonds a man and a women together as the matter with their vows as the form. To be married, the couple must meet certain criteria for the marriage to be valid. They must be open to children and must remain loyal to each other through the promise of fidelity. Additionally, they both must consent to the wedding, meaning no one is forced into it.
Celibacy is a way of loving, living, and serving. The practice of celibacy is an old age religious practice to which men, desiring to serve a higher power by joining religious orders, commit their lives. Although very controversial in the religious world today, celibacy ranks high in the life of many priests. Many people relate chastity to celibacy; however it is not the same concept. Chastity is an abstention from sexual intercourse, but Celibacy is the state of being unmarried after taking a religious vow. Although Priests also have to be chaste the intention of Celibacy is without being married, they will be chaste. This religious practice started a long time ago.
In essence, the Church basically says to abstain from sex altogether until marriage. However, when one is married, they can have all the sex they want. This rule was most likely set in place to reduce our temptations and sin. My family and the Church has been selling me their views since I was just a young boy.
Since the beginning of creation, marriage has been a vitally important role in a Christian’s life. From Adam and Eve to current times, marriage has been seen as a turning point in one’s life. God created this relationship between humans in order to fulfill our needs. The first important role of marriage in a Christian’s life is listed in Genesis 2:18, which says, “It is not good for the man to be alone.” This verse displays that it is important for humans to have companions. In this verse, God states that a part of his creation is not good, which was the first time he thought this about an aspect of creation. God saw marriage as a way to reflect His image in us. Genesis 1:26-27 shows this reflection, “Let us make