Cognitive Behavior Therapy Worksheet Essay

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The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy worksheets are a technique used by many professionals as a component to their practices and therapy sessions. When experiencing unfavorable emotions, patients are encouraged to write them down, as well as the thoughts that support them. Doing so, they could discover an alternative idea that may replace this negative factor to a more positive one. The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy worksheets used in the class consisted of 7 steps. The first step was to describe the situation or what triggered the emotion.Step 2 was to identify this emotion and rate it. Step 3 was to present the negative automatic thoughts we got. Step 4 was to show the evidence that supported these beliefs. Step 5 was to show the evidence that …show more content…

After trying the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy worksheets for a while, I would say this technique could be very effective when treating a patient. One of the benefits I see in this approach is how the client has a way to relieve their negative emotions right at the moment. The troubled person does not have to wait to see a therapist to release their frustration. This could be helpful in occasions where the mental health professional is not available and the client is looking for emotional liberation. An individual with extreme anxiety at a family event, for example, this person could get away for a minute to do the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy worksheet and release some of that anxiousness on paper. These sheets are also a harmless outlet. Ideal for people with anger problems. Instead of leading to a physical release, they would prefer to rely on the technique as well. I believe the last steps of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy worksheet could play the most beneficial part for the client. These sessions encourage the patients to look at their emotions from another perspective. Clients are motivated to reflect on a more favorable matter and by doing so, decrease the negative emotion. Individuals …show more content…

Psyco- education should be one of the primary resources used by therapists to treat their clients. It can change the life of the patient in endless ways. Being educated about their mental illness and how to control it, could give them a better quality life. They would have the knowledge of why they are feeling the way they are, thus, a better self-control of emotions could be reached. The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy worksheets fit in psychoeducation by teaching patients how to express their feelings and through this, find alternative thoughts that could make them feel

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