Cockroaches in the College Dorms
Our dorm is populated with more than 150 students from all parts of the country. However, humans alone do not make up most of the population of the dorm. Cockroaches live year round in the humble abodes of many college freshmen. Walking through the halls of the dorm, finding evidence of their residence is very easy. Most of the time, there are squashed ones in the halls and on the sidewalks leading to the dorm. Something must be done in order to keep the roaches from taking over completely the male dorms.
It is well known that Smith dorm is probably one of the most disgusting dorms on The college’s entire campus. This is partially aided by the fact that the students do not live alone. Their friendly neighbors, the roaches, contribute to the mess significantly. During the fall and spring, the roaches come out of their hiding places. They can be found scurrying around on the floor, or even chowing down on the chips in the corner. One can only imagine where they come from and what they are doing. Sometimes, it seems as though they may even live in the very beds on which people sleep. (After all, the beds have been there just as long as the walls have been standing.) The little bugs can come in all shapes and all sizes. Some of these bugs can be a brownish color, while others can be black and even green. They are easily distinguished by their shape and size, and are most common any place they can find a warm wet place with food (Arnett 145-6). There are about 4,000 different types of these pests throughout the world (Blattodea 1). According to a professor of entomology at West Virginia University, "The American roach is considerably larger than any of the others" (Peairs 477). The do...
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...this pest. If these suggestions are not heeded to before the problem gets too out of control, the roach population will eventually drive the people out of their rooms. This can all be avoided by following just a few simple suggestions which are not difficult to do. Spending an extra five minutes a day cleaning can and will keep these bugs from becoming the cock of the walk in the dorms
Works Cited
Arnett, Ross H. American Insects A Handbook of the insects of America north of Mexico. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1975.
"Blattodea." Gordon's Entomological Home Page. 8 Dec. 1995.`lramel/ blatodea.html ( 20 Mar. 1998).
"New Jersey Online." (20 Mar. 1998).
Peairs, Leonard Marion. Insect Pests of Farm, Garden, and Orchard. New York: John Wiley Sons, 1941.
Roach Colony. Dubia Roach Colony, 2011. Web. The Web. The Web.
All in all, injuring the ACL is a devastating blow to the knee. The ACL, which plays a major role in the support of the knee, must be protected during full-contact activities. Even simple activities such as running and jumping can lead to ACL injuries. It is important to follow the proper technique so that the body can stay healthy and continue to do what one does with it.
It is often said that education is power and because of this, women have been banned or limited to this opportunity. Without an equal and proper education, they could never be viewed as equal to men. Men went to school to learn to do a job. Women, if allowed to be educated, were o...
The boll weevil’s primary food source are cotton plants, a crop that covered the southern plantations at the time. In the spring, when they emerge from hibernation, they puncture the cotton buds and lay their eggs inside ("What is a Boll Weevil?"). After about four days, the larvae are born. This is where most of the damage occurs. The larvae eat and destroy the cotton fibers("What is a Boll Weevil?"). The plant is plagued by these insects; they eat them until the cotton plant’s eventual death. The boll weevil season allows for man...
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is a devastating injury that occurs with high frequency during sport athletic participation. More than 200 000, ACL injuries are estimated to occur in the United States annually.1–3 previ...
The role of the goddess is one of a supernatural being, but more importantly one in a position to pity and help mortals. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, is the most prominent example of the role; in the very beginning of the story she is seen making a plea for Odysseus' return home, and throughout the first half of the book she assists him in his journey. She is the driving force behind arranging Odysseus' return home from getting Kalypso to release him to making sure Nausikaa found him on Skheria. In books 1-4 she helps Telemakhos, Odysseus' son, gather the courage to go out and get news about his father. Other than Athena, there are many examples of goddesses taking pity on a mortal, usually Odysseus, and helping him out. When Odysseus is s...
...l, Ted E., and Bruce W. Wood. "Movement of adult pecan weevils Curculio caryae within pecan orchards." Agricultural & Forest Entomology 10, no. 4 (November 2008): 363-373. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed April 18, 2012).
In the nineteenth century, there was a shift in the view of women. They were given more of an education in order to prepare their sons to become better citizens. The reason was because the men had realized that woman needed to be better educated to teach the values of a good member of society to their children. This took place during the Revolution period. “Woman, wrote Benjamin Rush, needed to have a “suitable education” to enable them to “instruct their sons in the principles of liberty and government.” (Foner 2014). Benjamin Rush supported the right for women to receive educational opportunities.
The resurgence of bedbugs in major U.S cities is a testament of the increase in international travel and increase sale of second-hand furniture which highlights the progress we have made in moving from one place to another and expanding our horizons for commercial benefits. Perhaps with or without realization we have become the vehicles in which bedbugs travel and the vessel of their
Almost nowhere in The Odyssey can one find a woman doing the same things as a man. No women went off to fight in the Trojan War. There were no female members of Odysseus or Telemachus' crew, nor do any women participate in the battle against the suitors. The character traits that make a man great; strength, courage, and leadership are lacking in female characters of The Odyssey. Throughout The Odyssey women were given a double-standard. They were expected to act a certain way and exhibit certain traits while men had no such limitations. If women did not live up to these standards of behavior, they would be punished. If men broke these same rules nothing would be done. During the time Homer wrote The Odyssey it was the dominant belief that a society should be dominated by men and that women should be subservient to them. This belief is reflected throughout the writing of Homer in The Odyssey.
Since ACL damage frequently occurs, and can cause numerous complications even after receiving surgical treatment, many studies have been conducted on ACL damage related surgery and the most efficient rehabilitation exercises. Unfortunately, ACL tears rarely heal by themselves (10). The loss of this ligament causes the knee to be highly unstable, and drastically increases the chance of the knee slipping out of place. Usually, this will occur while attempting sudden changes in direction or lateral pivoting motions. As the incidence rates continue to grow, both surgical and therapeutic measures must be taken in order to improve the lives of this population. Post-operative rehabilitation is the most important determinant for a successful outcome of ACL reconstruction, one of the most common procedures used to date (3,6). Patients with an ACL deficiency, whom are not suitable for reconstructive surgery, should focus on regaining full range of motion (ROM) and strength; this will reduce the chance of encountering post-operative issues, while using an accelerated rehabilitation physical therapy program. Ultimately, this study will be very significant; the contribution of the proposed research is expected to be favorably beneficial for populations aged 15-45 years, who are recovering from reconstructive surgery of the anterior
States and southern Canada. In the west, the species was found from Mexico to California.
There are nearly one million species of insects known. Insects are defined by having six legs and a body divided into three segments: head, thorax, and abdomen. Chitin is an organic material that makes up an insects exoskeleton. There are three life cycles of insects, ametabolous or incomplete and paurometabolous or gradual, and homotabolous or complete metamorphosis. These life cycles are important in the aging of insects for aiding in legal investigations, (Houck and Siegel. Entomology).
In the past, many people believed that women’s exclusive responsibilities were to serve their husband, to be great mothers and to be the perfect wives. Those people considered women to be more appropriate for homemaking rather than to be involved in business or politics. This meant that women were not allowed to have a job, to own property or to enjoy the same major rights as men. The world is changing and so is the role of women in society. In today’s society, women have rights that they never had before and higher opportunities to succeed.
Use mosquito nets impregnated with insecticides in places where screens for doors and windows are absent.