Closed Borders Essay

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Open or closed borders? That seems like an easy question to answer, but have you ever taken a moment to consider both answers? Even though open borders will end in less deaths, closed borders will protect the American population from disease brought in from other countries such as Mexico. Although both open and closed borders will allow people to have a better say on what they think is best from them and their families, closed borders allow for Americans to live less of a worrisome life because of a decrease in crime. Closed borders are a must for America; illegals bring in disease, cause terroristic attacks, and the illegal immigrants are mostly criminals. Closed borders will bring a sense of security to American families, they will have …show more content…

Illegal immigrants are messing up our political systems, the immigrants vote for people to run for office that will support open borders, so the lazy illegals don’t have to work as hard to make a life for themselves so they can come to America and live here for free (mooching off of the taxpayers). We Americans cannot assume that all of the illegal immigrants are sitting around on their butts all day, some of them are taking away the jobs of the low income families. As a result of the jobs being taken away American families suffer, the families will have little money to live off of, and they will still have to pay taxes plus “support” the illegal immigrants that have taken their jobs. Are you willing to “support” illegal immigrants in that way? Once again, do you support open or closed borders? This time the question isn’t so easy to answer is it? Although having open borders allow for America to have a higher rate of diversity, there will also be a higher rate of crime. Out of all of the people living in America officials estimate that 11 million of those residents are illegal immigrants. By having a closed border America will gain a piece of mind, and we will be able to worry less about our children. Ultimately the choice is up to

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