Clinical Psychology Program Entry Essay

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Statement of Purpose Becoming a medical doctor and becoming a consulting detective, these two dream jobs were sprouting out deeply in my mind since I was a little child. In my last year of undergraduate study, I could say with confidence, the way to pursue both dreams together is becoming a clinical psychologist, which could not only satisfy my desire of having extraordinary personality but also fulfill the idea of having a consulting career. To achieve my strong ambition of becoming one, attending a doctoral program in clinical psychology is required. After a detailed review of more than 50 Ph.D. and Psy.D. programs in clinical psychology, I have decided to apply to PGSP-Stanford Psy.D. Consortium. First of all, to support me achieving the future goal, my …show more content…

Though I intended to major in Biochemistry and some chemistry courses’ score may jeopardize my grade overall, I still feel grateful the long way I took to realize what my true goal is. Therefore, switching my intended major from Biochemistry to Intensive Psychology, made me realize the happiness of learning and inspiring me to be involved in all kinds of psychology-related opportunities. For instance, related mental health internship has brought me experience, patiently talking to people with depression and even patient with the borderline personality disorder. What’s more, I gained from the clinical internship is keeping an appropriate distance with patients, which patients feel comfortable, and being aware of any emotional fluctuation they would reflect. At the same time, previous experience of medical field internships enables me to keep calm and to make timely actions dealing with people who mentally ill. Therefore, either internship experience would prepare me to learn clinical

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