Clifton Clarke's What Is Ethical Competence?

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Ethics can simply be can described as the study of what is right and wrong, what is good or bad or what it just and unjust. Ethics refers to norms, beliefs, and values. Further, it not just provides us with a standard on the way people act but more importantly is provides standards on the way human beings should live and how they should act (Hartman, DesJardins, & MacDonald, 2018). The journal article, “ What is Ethical Competence? The Role of Empathy, Personal Values, and the Five-Factor Model of Personality in Ethical Decision-Making’ (Pohling, Bzdok, Eigensletter, Siegfried, & Strobel, 2016), provides us with a couple things. First, it gives us a new meaning of what ethical competence is and secondly it provides us with some clarification …show more content…

In this study, he provides the reader with some information of the impact that some of those failed strategies have caused. Clarke also provides a new perspective on the strategies that he considers to be transformative in the prevention and eradication on unethical practices in the business sector (Clarke, …show more content…

Much of the unethical practices occur after the student has already left the educational institution. Internal on-the job training programs and well as improvement in the internal process could be some ways to also aid in the transformation of the internal perspectives towards business ethics. However, overall it was a good journal that was clear, easy to read and written in an orderly fashion. The author’s intentions of informing his readers about systematic approaches to implementing business ethics in the workplace was

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