Clear Quartz As A Mineral

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[b]Clear Quartz[/b] Clear Quartz is a popular and the most powerful healing crystal, [i]being[/i] able to work on any condition. Quartz is the second most common mineral found on [i]Earth[/i] (after Feldspar), and it is found all over the world. The [i]color[/i] is clear or colorless and it is made of [i]silicon[/i] dioxide. Clear Quartz is known as the stone of power and [i]amplifies[/i] any energy or intention. It is a good stone to work with for beginners. It absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy, and it is also a good stone for unblocking energy. Furthermore, Clear Quartz is known to protect against negativity. Citrine is a joyful, warming, energizing, and highly creative crystal. It is said to be one of the stones that never needs cleansing because it manages to absorb, transmute, dissipate, and ground negative energy. Due to these abilities, it is extremely protective of the environment. Citrine can also cleanse all the chakras, especially the Solar Plexus Chakra and the Sacral Chakra. Metaphysically, it is used to increase, magnify, and clarify personal powers. Additionally, this crystal activates the Crown Chakra, opening up intuition. In ancient times, citrine gained the reputation of being a "merchant's stone," and myths suggest that carrying it during sales was believed to attract wealth. Today, in magick, the stone represents abundance and wealth and is placed in cash boxes or the wealth corner of a home, which is the farthest back left point from the front door or the door into an individual room. It is also used to support the energy of a family environment at home or work. Citrine was very popular among the ancient Romans and Greeks. They used it in their special style of jewelry known as "intaglio," which included relief carving. They believed that the brightness of Citrine could brighten their lives and had the ability to eradicate darkness.

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