Claude Mckay's Home To Harlem

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Claude McKay, a Jamaican-American writer and poet, was a man of recognizable talents. He was born and raised in Jamaica in 1889, and he got into writing at a young age. It was in his early twenties when McKay finished his first book of poetry. So after, he decided that it would be would be beneficial for him to go to what was the hub of creativity and art at the time: Harlem, New York City. McKay quickly got his first book, which was titled “Songs of Jamaica and Constab Ballads,” published in 1912. He gained famed for his works like "If We Must Die" and "Harlem Shadows,” but his 1928 book “Home to Harlem” has to his most well known pieces. “Home to Harlem,” which quickly became the first book that was written by a black person to be on the

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