Clarence Darrow's View On Determinism And Free Will

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Humans and many other organisms on Earth are able to decide whether to give or take life in as fast as a split second. With such an important decision to could affect the environment and society, one is to think each of us should be given the choice of responsibility and freedom to make this decision. We would like to think we are the architect of our own actions and are free to act and choose as we want. However, have we ever stopped and thought about the possibility that our daily actions are already determined by some higher being. Clarence Darrow, the lawyer for young men, Leopold and Loeb, who are tried for the ruthless and cold-blooded murder of a young child in the early 1900s, would like to think so. Darrow argues not for the innocence …show more content…

It could be easy for the normal person to puzzle together that free will is the ability to do as we wish and if our lives are already determined by a higher being, there is no existence of free will. The two cannot co-exist. With two incompatible views, and certainty that determinism is true, there is no place for free will. Free will is comparable to a magic trick, it creates illusions and tricks the mind that “free will” is actually occurring. Schopenhauer, a German philosopher, uses water for an example. In summary, he states that if water had a conscious, it would say it could be part of a tsunami or join a major flood if it wanted to. Yes, water could think that, but in the end of the day, it would still be part of a quiet pond, not being able to do a thing. What the philosopher was trying to get across is that humans would like to believe they could do this or do that. However, they are pretending that they have a choice, have free will. But they don’t, their future is already written down by a power greater than …show more content…

Determinism will hold no one accountable for their actions and each person will have no moral responsibility to society or themselves. I do not believe that a higher being or events that have occurred long ago determined a serial killer to bomb an airport or a crowd of civilians. Moreover, I would like to believe that the actions I have done are of my own choice. Such as, when I tried to woo my girlfriend when we first met were not “scripted” by another being. But that I chose to trust and act upon my feelings. I believe in moral responsibility and the reward and praise, even punishment that follows along with it. Not only me, but I would appreciate if my family and every human on Earth is doing something because they chose to, but not because they are all puppets in another being 's world. Now, on the Leopold and Loeb’s case, I absolutely believe they are responsible for the murder of the young boy and no responsibility should be pushed aside to their ancestors or their surroundings. I trust completely that these boys knew what they were doing and they did it with their own free

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