Civilization Of Happiness Research Paper

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Everyone experiences happiness more then one time in his or her life when you think about it. Even when he or she may not be a happy person they still do experience it, and everyone experiences it in many different ways. In the book by Sigmund Freud, Civilization and its Disconnects, Freud expresses his thoughts and beliefs on how he and others experience happiness and how they deal with it. Although he explains the greatness of happiness he does bring up a point about how civilization will never add up to a great happiness. Happiness can be expressed in many different ways, but unhappiness is also much easier to experience than happiness. Throughout the book Freud discusses many ideas of happiness and also a countless amount of routes people …show more content…

For example like a friend who is always there for you and means a lot that brings happiness to your life can also disappoint you and bring unhappiness to your life. Unhappiness is much easier to experience in today’s society than happiness. We suffer form threating experiences that will bring unhappiness one of which includes, the relations we have with other people. These relationships can bring a great amount of unhappiness to someone if they have done something that affected them in a serious depressing way. Many points are brought up when Freud states that technological advances are the main reason for human happiness. He wants to know if civilization has to compromise happiness in order to bring people together so they have a peaceful relationship. In addition to this civilization also sometimes avoids the feeling of a human development. It can also abuse an individual with their needs and this may affect them from not experiencing full happiness. In life some will experience more happiness then others, some may experience a great amount of unhappiness, but civilization will always be programed to be in conflict with an …show more content…

Some people may experience more happiness then the other, but it is important that you do experience it. And although he or she may not be a happy person they still do experience it, and everyone experiences it in many different ways. In the book by Sigmund Freud, Civilization and its Disconnects, Freud expresses his thoughts and beliefs on how he and others experience happiness and how they deal with it. From all of the examples I explained above it shows all the many different way’s people can do to help them bring happiness to their life. Not only does it show the different ways, but it might also help people realize that happiness in their life, that they may not have known before. In the book he informs us that although we do need happiness, we also experience unhappiness, this is an obstacle that we all have to overcome. Happiness can be expressed in many different ways, but unhappiness is also much easier to experience than happiness. In order to experience full happiness you need to strive to become a happy person and always remain happy even when life’s problems hit you in the

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