"Civil Peace"

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“Civil Peace”

Chinua Achebe served in the Nigerian Civil War. This short story gives us insight into conditions in the country at that time. After reading this short story, I have learned a little about the war and much about the protagonist. “Civil Peace” is a short story that focuses on humanity and how Jonathan Iwegbu was able to rebuild his life after the war. In the short story, “Civil Peace,” you learn that not everyone was lucky during the post war, Jonathan was a motivated man, and even after the war, civil peace still did not occur.
In the short story “Civil Peace,” I learned that not everyone was lucky during the post war. After a war, one usually has no money, food, or shelter, but not Iwegbu. Iwegbu returned from the war with his family still alive and surprisingly a place to go. “He had came out of the war with five inestimable blessings- his head, his wife Maria’s head, and the heads of three out of their four children.” “This newest miracle was his little house in Ogui over side.” Although he had some reconstruction to do, he was lucky to have a home. Inferring based...

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