Civil Disobedience

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The Key to a Free Society

“Protest beyond the law is not a departure from democracy; it is absolutely essential to it” (Zinn). The key to a true democracy is the ability to have a say in your own government. For the people to voice opinions and beliefs without fear of brutality from the government. America’s free society means that civilians have the right to petition the government according to the first amendment of the constitution without fear of being punished. Civil disobedience is a form of petitioning the government that helps the people set boundaries that the government should not cross. Civil disobedience is a huge part of what our society needs to stay free. Cases like the sit-ins with Rosa Parks or Muhammad Ali’s denial of the …show more content…

One of the most popular is a case of a black women who simply wouldn’t give her seat up on a bus to a demanding white man. In December of 1955, Rosa Parks changed the history of civil disobedience. At the time, buses were segregated; if a white person needed a seat the black person better give theirs up even if it were unjust. Rosa was asked to give up her seat to a white man once the bus had filled up, but she refused. By the simple act of peacefully refusing to give up her seat, she set a path that eventually lead to desegregation of buses (Korpe). This is an example of peaceful resistance against the law that benefits our society. If she had just obeyed the law, there would have never been the change that was needed to fix the unjust laws. The push America needed to change the world for the better happened on that …show more content…

In the 1960’s, when the Vietnam war was going on, professional wrestler Muhammad Ali was asked to sign up for the draft. He refused on the basis of his religion and the fact he was against acts of violence. Ali fully understood the consequences of not signing up, but he still stood his ground and stuck with his beliefs. He was stripped of his boxing title and sentenced to five years in prison although the sentence was appealed (Mullen). He knew the consequences of denying the draft but stood up to the government anyways. This act changed his life and the face of civil disobedience. If he had been afraid to stand up to the government for fear of being killed, then America wouldn’t have a free society.
Today, there are many acts of civil disobedience like the case of the Keystone Oil Pipeline sit-in. Environmentalists are sitting in front of the White House protesting a massive pipeline that will run from Colorado to Texas (Goodman). The environmentalists fear the pipeline may bring destruction to the environment. This peaceful protest is what makes America’s free society. The populous is allowed to voice opinion to the government without fear of being injured or killed. That is what makes America

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