Cinderella Research Paper

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Cinderella is a fantasy movie. She lives with her horrible stepmother and stepsisters. They treat her like a slave, as if she has no feelings. She has to do her chores plus everyone else’s chores. Along with doing all of the clothes, dishes, and cleaning floors, she has to cook for them and bring it up to their rooms. They do not appreciate anything that she does and her stepsisters are extremely jealous of her. Her stepsisters are jealous because they know that she is prettier than them and they feel intimidated. The stepsisters are jealous, also, because they know Cinderella is kind to everyone and gentle in everything she does, and they are rough and mean. There is this ball that every girl in town is going to. Cinderella could only go if she finished a ridiculous amount of chores. She finishes these chores and still her stepmother and sisters try to stop her from going. The stepmother and stepsisters will not let …show more content…

Despite what her stepmother and sisters does she decides to go to the ball anyway, with the help of her fairy godmother. Her fairy godmother creates a new dress for her, creates a carriage from a pumpkin, and turns mice into horses. The only rule is to be back at midnight because that is when all of the things her godmother gave her will vanish. Cinderella goes to the ball and has a great time with the prince. She realizes its midnight and starts running out the door. While she is running away, she losses her glass slipper and the prince finds it and starts to look for her. Her stepsisters try to say the slipper fits them, but their feet are too big. Cinderella could not speak up and say it is her slipper because her stepmother locked her in a room, but she escapes with the help of her mice, and convinces the prince it was her at the ball. She does this by showing him the other glass slipper. Then, they get married and live happily ever

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