Churches That Make A Difference Chapter Summary

705 Words2 Pages

Book Review
Kunal John Onkar

In the book Churches that make a Difference: Reaching Your Community with Good News and Good Works, Ronald Sider lays emphasis on evangelism being incomplete without social outreach and discipleship. The church is not called to be a church concerned just about a small faction of what we understand of God’s mission rather, it is the holistic aspect of the ministry that God is most concerned with. Sider talks in depth about the different aspects of how a church working through the dynamic holistic ministry model should look like. He states that a church exists not just to meet the needs of the community, rather the church needs a strong ministry of discipleship and fellowship for it to remain healthy and continue …show more content…

Operating as a holistic church is not easy. It has its own set of challenges and difficulties. To be able to combat those challenges, Sider lists out the qualities that the Leadership must have to engage in effective Holistic Ministry. An interesting point to note here is when Sider says, “This list of critical qualities does not apply just to pastors. Often it is the pastor who is responsible for guiding and empowering the congregation’s journey into holistic ministry” (p. 187). It is very common for the ministry to be dumped entirely on the pastor’s shoulders while the congregation sits back. Because of this, ministry slows down and very often even results in the pastor burning out. I believe that all in the church are called to be leaders with different abilities. The pastor is more like a leader of the leaders. For the ministry to have a good impact, the church must recognize people with the ten essential qualities that Sider lists in his book, and work in leadership with them to fulfil the purpose of the church in the world, i.e. to reach out not just through the good news of the Gospel, but also our good works, through Christ who enables

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