Chronic Kidney Disease: A Case Study

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The main purpose for the kidneys is to remove waste and excess water from the body (MedlinePlus, 2015). Once the kidneys start to lose their function it becomes chronic renal disease. Chronic renal disease is usually not found until the function of the kidneys is significantly impaired (Mayo Clinic, 2016). This is due to the kidneys being highly adaptable, they are able to compensate for the lost function. So, the signs and symptoms might not become evident until the damage is so bad that it is irreversible (Mayo Clinic, 2016). As any other disease or illness, there may be signs and symptoms or there may not be. Some of these signs and symptoms may include but are not limited to changes in how much a person urinates in a day, appetite loss, nausea and generally ill feeling or fatigue (MedlinePlus, 2015). Each person is different. …show more content…

There are many tests that can confirm chronic renal disease. The first test is a blood test. The blood test just looks for the level of waste product in the blood. The second test is a urine test that reveals abnormalities and helps identify the cause of chronic kidney disease. The third option is imaging tests. Imaging tests include CT, MRI and ultrasound of the abdomen and a kidney scan and ultrasound. These tests help to assess the size and structure of the kidneys. The fourth test that can be ran is a biopsy. A biopsy is when a doctor goes in and takes a sample of the kidney issue and then sends it to the lab for further

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