Christopher Daly's Covering America

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In Chapter 5, Covering America, Christopher Daly, delves into the history of journalism and discusses the various changes over time. These changes can be referred to as, Yellow Journalism and new journalism. Yellow Journalism is primarily based on exaggerations and sensationalism. Both Pulitzer and Hearst used rash headlines in order to sell more papers, if an effort to convince the public that the sinking of the USS Maine was done by the Spanish. Although, Yellow Journalism shocked its reader, it was not the only style of journalism. The penny press allowed for the creation of New Journalism. According to the reading, journalism was about a good story. Nellie Bly was committed to a good story, rather than draw conclusions. Instead of describing various ways to travel, she went around the world herself. Meanwhile, news as information took a logic approach. The main focus was based on facts rather than drama. Throughout Chapter 5 of “Covering America” by Christopher Daly, there were a few newspapers that changed journalism. The St. Louis Dispatch, the World, and The Examiner played a major role in journalism and set themselves apart from other previous newspapers. Joseph Pulitzer started both the St. Louis Dispatch and the World. According to Daly, Pulitzer used his paper to, “crusade against …show more content…

We still engage in Yellow journalism today, but is called fake news. Fake news is an issue that we face more than ever due to social media. The newspapers during 1875 to 1912 staged several events and even over exaggerated headlines. In present day there are several outlets for exaggeration such as, tabloids and blogs. These are all forms of dishonest journalism. The creation of the internet has only increased the spread fake news further around the globe, making it hard to get rid of. The main issue is that bogus news has become

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