Christopher Columbus: Hero Or Villain?

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Christopher Columbus is both celebrated as a hero and condemned as a villain. Columbus has done many seemingly great things and seemingly horrible things. I have never thought of columbus as a hero, I have never put him on that pedestal I have always just thought of him as an explorer who came across America by accident. Even though I never thought of Columbus as a hero I never thought of him as a villain either but upon learning more of his actions I see him more in a negative light. When I was younger I was taught that Columbus was this great historical figure who was the first to set foot on American soil and gave this country a future but I didn’t see him that way, to me he was just the guy who discovered America. This impartial view kept me from caring enough about the history of Columbus to research what he was really like and what he was really after. I didn’t care much about Columbus day either, it was a holiday to celebrate a man considered a hero by the country. The country celebrated a man who gave them a future and the land in which they live but like I said before I didn’t see it that way, the man didn’t seem to do much but accidentally land on a continent he knew nothing about. …show more content…

I learned he was an egotistical maniac who was willing to sacrifice so many lives in the name of glory. Even though Columbus did pave the way for new explorers to come to the Americas and colonize he did it by putting his crew in danger of starvation and enslaving natives. He hurt and mutilated the natives to get them to obey so he could bring back gold to his queen in exchange for glory and recognition. Columbus was not a hero, the only thing he did that could be interpreted as “good” was give europe new land which ended up giving us the country we live

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