Christianity and Life After Death

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Christianity and Life After Death

Life after death is an essential part of the Christian religion.

Jesus, the son of god, died on the cross and three days later he rose

again from the dead, the resurrection. Hundreds of people saw him.

This has given Christians the hope that when they die, they will live

on in another place. Christians believe in heaven and hell. If a

person lives a good moral life they can expect to get to heaven, when

they die. If they live an immoral life then perhaps hell will be an


Luke 23:42

Then he said, “Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in

paradise.” Jesus was crucified with two thieves. One of the thieves,

while dying on the cross asked Jesus to have mercy upon him when he

died. Jesus told him that he would be in heaven that very day. This

text is proof to Christians that heaven and life after death is

something to hope for.

John 14:1-4

“Do not be worried and upset”, Jesus told his followers. “Believe in

god and believe also in me. There are many rooms in my fathers house,

and I am going to prepare a place for you.”

Jesus told his disciples that there was a place prepared for them when

they died. This shows Christians that they will be in heaven with god

when they die.

Christians believe that they must live properly and morally in order

to reach heaven when they die. Consequently they follow the teachings

of the church, the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus. They

try to live as Jesus did.

Christians bury the dearly departed as it is tradition. Practising

burials show Christ...

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... he who believes in me,

though he die, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in me

shall never die” (John 11:25)

Roman Catholics do not believe that the soul does not immediately go

to heaven but spends time in purgatory. Most Protestants do not

believe in purgatory, yet they do believe in life after death. A

funeral is the closing of a Christian’s life on earth, it is where

friends and families express feelings and grief, and send the

Christian to God. A funeral church service of the Church of England

allows a slow and quiet funeral where a few friends and family members

father and share their time for the dead person, it is common that a

few hymns are sung or some music is played. In a Parish Church they

use the prayer book, they read their favourite prayers and it can be

set as a communion service.

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