Christianity Should Be Allowed In High School

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“In all of us, even in good men, there is a lawless wild-beast nature, which peers out in sleep.” (Socrates). People cannot be 100% perfect - that is a universal fact, along with paying taxes and death. Trying to hide certain aspects of oneself may help that person gain friends/popularity/what they are searching for then-and-there, but humanity requires knowing the good and the bad of the people around you.In the age of today, people (especially the young), attempt to "hide" who they really are by acting super nice/friendly/etc., but then if pressured in some negative way, explode in your face because they have been pushed too far.Nowadays, Christians are often over-judged because non-believers have the impression Christians think they are …show more content…

People will argue that you should try to be nice all-the-time, to make friends and be generally liked. While this is true, if a person makes one mistake in a false friendship, sometimes the friendship is done right there; true friends will be friends despite any arguments/clashing personalities (it may take some time to make-up, though). That is one way how cliques in schools start; that one nice person has the tendency to become snobby later, but nice in front of "important" people to keep their popularity high. Then, when a “role model” slips up, they become generally disliked and shunned; and the cycle repeats.The same goes for popularity - if a celebrity (that acts nice and such//generally well-liked) does something no-no (curses in front of children excessively, did drugs, committed crime, etc.) - even if it's only a rumor - they get a bad rep. because they are well known for being a good role model turned bad. Still, as mentioned before, this does not give an excuse to be angry 24/7, it just allows for people to be cranky and disagree without being socially exiled.Speaking from personal experience, there were two individuals my old school that were perfect examples of this: they both agreed with basically everything anyone said, and were SUPER nice to everyone, then they got popular friends. All their old acquaintances (myself included) suddenly became “bullies” for helping them through their times-of-need; they back-stabbed all their "unimportant" peers. Later in the school year, more popular people found out that one of the teens back-stabbed some other popular people, and the issue got so bad one just left for “no reason” (they became socially exiled) and nobody truly knows what happened to the other.People should not try to please everyone, and ignore their own feelings (I think every teen goes through this experience

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