To most people, religions are just but denominations through which group of people associates with in the attempt to seek God. Interestingly, of recent years, we have seen different religions attack each other based on their worship processes, their sermon procedures as well as rules and regulations pertaining that particular religion. Different religion may take different paths and methods of doing their things, but one thing is common among all of them in that they attempt to satisfy spiritual being of their followers. There is no one good course of action or path that should be followed by all religions and thus, religions should be unique and satisfy their followers. Notably, religion represents a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature …show more content…
Moreover, Catholic Church is one of the oldest religious institutions that can date back to 1st century AD, and the first church was built in the town of Judea of the Roman Empire. Most of the followers of this church believe that it is one true church that was founded by Jesus Christ. It is believed that the Catholic Church played a crucial role in bringing civilization to various parts of the world and it was headed by Bishop of Rome known as the Pope. Although there is a strong correlation between Catholic and other Protestants, there still exist some differences in their way of worship. The desire to know more about this religion led me directly to Catholic Church to attend a Sunday service. As a result, this assignment will explore various aspect of Catholic Church as a …show more content…
The Catholic sermon is usually divided into parts with the first part focusing on Bible reading as an integral part of the daily and weekly worship and the second part focuses holiest and most sacred part that involves taking the Holy Eucharist. One of the notable differences between the mass and another sermon from Protestants churches is that the followers have to recite a particular verse as the one reading the scriptures does so. Moreover, after every reading, there is singing of a hymn that had been arranged in advance. Finally, the father (Catholic preacher) blesses the congregation through the sprinkling of holy water to the audience after the mass. Besides, those attending the mass have to give to the Lord offerings taking the form of money or farm produce to honor their God. After the service is over, the in attendance shakes hands as they get out of the
Roles of the Catholic Church in Western civilization has been scrambled with the times past and development of Western society. Regardless of the fact that the West is no longer entirely Catholic, the Catholic tradition is still strong in Western countries. The church has been a very important foundation of public facilities like schooling, Western art, culture and philosophy; and influential player in religion. In many ways it has wanted to have an impact on Western approaches to pros and cons in numerous areas. It has over many periods of time, spread the teachings of Jesus within the Western World and remains a foundation of continuousness connecting recent Western culture to old Western culture.-
Life is full of frustrations and confusion. There are times that questioning the purpose of one’s life to be living at all from their belief and faith in the one they believe. Christian Adherents are faced with these issues and are misguided by the loquacious talk of philosophers and scientists that seem to argue that the existence of human beings have been derived by something else other than God. These are illustrated through various forms of media and deem to be very convincing for most. However, there are people and ideas of the Christian Religion to comply back with what is said against it. Pope John XXIII was a significant role model for the Christian Religion as he showed true belief and faith to God through his deeds. Topics in debate of Bioethical issues are in question and the practices of the Christian belief are fact to the individual of the means of questioning the purpose here on Earth. Regarding the letter from Paul to the Corinthians, it says “Be on guard; stand firm in faith; be men of courage, be strong.” Its significance to believers is that they can be deceived in time of desperation and at times of hardship but God tells them to stay strong in faith and in courage no matter the distress they are facing.
Religion, “part of the human experience that has to do with a god or gods, a higher power, or the ultimate values of life” (Cason & Tillman 6-7), is one of the most controversial and interesting subjects for humanity. It has been around for as long as anyone can recall and they have difference and similarities in their founders, beliefs, and history. Religion has served to give some sort of a meaning to life and everything around it. In modern society, some religions have grown and expanded significantly. These larger religions have been classified as world religions. In addition, these world religions have been split into two categories known as Eastern and Western religion.
Many people accept that the world revolves around religion. Though still many would disagree, everyone has to believe something. Why not embrace it? After the mere idea of religion is accepted, another look must be taken at the true core of religion. Are all religions the same? Are they all inspired by one true religion? Many religions share basic values, ideas, and ethical codes such as the role of a god or ultimate figure, common ideas about the nature of evil, and a way of salvation and eternal life. The process of identifying differences in religions that seem to share innumerable commonalities is a very important part of establishing a worldview.
The rise of Christianity in western civilization is arguably among the most important memories in history. There is no denying what the spread of Christianity has done for the world, for better or worse. Its impact on western civilizations is unrivaled and unprecedented. Christianity slowly became something for many individuals to turn to; in times of hurt its provided comfort, in times of pleasure it has given thanks. The will and belief for salvation has driven individuals to be better, and to have a reference while in need. The rise of Christianity more than 2000 years ago provided necessary building blocks for the future. Without Christianity there would be no cathedrals, no monasteries, no music from one Johann Sebastian Bach, no paintings from Michelangelo, nor no philosophy from Saint Augustine (Backman 205). There are countless times in history, whether good or bad, that can be credited to
Scholars have been trying to come up with a well-founded, acceptable and universal definition of religion for years; however, none of these definitions so far are a perfect fit for all religions of the world. There are many things in our life that are well defined and well understood but, unfortunately, religion is not one of them. There is no common ground and understanding of what religion really means. Religion is what we make of it, so no one can truly define religion in a way that is meaningful across all borders as it is outside of the realm of reason and rationale and the definitions we give could be either too exclusive or inclusive.
Archdiocesan Essay Assessment Activity Catholics are often asked questions like, “Why are you catholic,” “Why do you have to be catholic,” Aren’t all religions as good as one another?” and “What makes the catholic religion special and different than the others?’ And members of the Church often find it difficult to answer all these questions. This essay will answer what it means to say that to be a catholic is to be a member of the one true Church of Christ, an explanation of how Christ willed that the Catholic Church be his sacrament of salvation, an explanation of how courts established his Church as both a visible and spiritual reality, I will illustrate how all people are offered the possibility of salvation through the Catholic Church
Christianity Project I have learned the importance of ministry during my stay at KCC. I’ve learned that ministry comes in various from, sharing the word of God with others to assisting a peer with homework or giving a friend a ride to a store. All our actions can be considered a type of ministry. Throughout my studies at KCC I have learned that Ministry means simply being a servant to God and to man. Before coming to KCC, I thought ministry focused directly on peaching and teaching within the four walls of the church.
... In order to understand the Bible we must read it as the Psalmist says “O how I love Thy law! It is my meditation all the day.” (Psa. 119:97). However there some suggestions to cope with the study of the Bible in effective manner. The Bible was written a long time ago before us. That is why we need to deal with some back grounds, context, and theology differs with our time. Some hermeneutics principles can help us how to work in the better frame of interpret the Bible, such as the literary context, historical context and how to compare Scripture. their beliefs as well as listen to the words of the Lord. As Jesus said at his last meal with his disciples before his execution, “Do this in memory of me”. This quote is reflected in the mass in the stage of ‘being fed’ when an adherent receives both the body and blood of Christ, called Transubstantiation. In this way, Christian adherents are able to unit in a diverse environment following the ways that our Lord has taught us. Therefore through this, Christian adherents are able to express their faith.
During the whole opening and pre Church activity, everyone was standing. After the pre Church informal prayer and greetings, the pastor began the starting prayers, praising the Lord and our savior Jesus Christ. People were still standing during the praising session and each time the pastor lead the prayer, the audience chanted Amen in return. The prayer was the formal call for confession, followed by the people’s confession and then silence afterwards for a brief period.
Sunday Mass is described by the National Liturgical Council (2004) as the central and most important day of the week in Christian life. The celebration of Sunday Eucharist is of paramount importance because the community comes together on the Lords Day of rest to remember the resurrection of Christ (Diocese of Owensboro, n.d.). It is through this ritualistic gathering that the entire Catholic community comes together. We are called to gather in Church on Sunday’s to pray, give thanks and show respect to our God as he invites us to the feast of his own son, Jesus Christ, through the Eucharist (Bianchini, 2008). This Eucharistic celebration, where we relive and hear the words Jesus’ used with his own apostles during the Last Supper, is the “ultimate worship” (para. 8). We receive the body and blood of Christ through the bread and wine the priest blesses during the mass.
Christianity is studied and followed by people all over the World. Jesus Christ along with God emphasized that genuine friendship is an essential aspect of life. Genuine friendship and true love are similar in a sense that your friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife all want to see you do well for yourself as you want the same for them. Aristotle pointed out in his book Nicomachean Ethics, that there are three kinds of genuine friendship. The first essential aspect of friendship is based on utility stated above where both people in a friendship gain some benefit from each other.
Every year, once a year, 46 days before Easter, is Ash Wednesday, which is the beginning of lent for Catholics. On this day, Catholics go to church and follow a ritual. At the end of the ritual, the pastor marks a cross on every Catholic's forehead. From then on to the end of the ritual, there’s no eating any meat every Friday. Catholics agree to live the life that their God asks them to; they take sacrifices in their lives because their God made sacrifices for them.
My definition of religion has mostly stayed the same, but my perception of it has changed. At the beginning of the class, I assumed religion was something you believed based on your moral principles. I now believe that those moral principles are based on the religion that you believe in. Your religion changes your perception of the world and how to go about in it. Your religion tells you what is right and wrong in the world and answers all of the big questions one asks. Religion according to our book is, “A pattern of beliefs and practices that expresses and enacts what a community regards as sacred and/or ultimate about life” (Van Voorst 6). That definition was one thing that really got me thinking about my own personal idea of what religion