Christ And Culture In Paradox Group Analysis

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Evangelicals who fall under the category of Christ and culture in paradox are a group who believe, like the first type, that the world is bad and is getting worse. They are individually oriented which explains their beliefs that different activities can be good for some people and bad for others. They reference Genesis 1:31, when God says that the world was “very good” to mean that what God has created can be used for enjoyment that is not sinful, therefore, not everything that is “of the world” is necessarily bad (B, 222). Type IV people tend toward the idea of grace when deciding on what is right and wrong, for example, while drinking may be a temptation to become drunk in one person’s life, according to a Christ and culture in paradox member, another person may be able to drink alcohol with wisdom and discernment. They also believe in the involvement of politics and that any school system is alright for any given person. …show more content…

This is not to say they are necessarily similar in their support of reconciliation like type I members are. While type I members see the world as having been good, but then becoming corrupt and therefore avoiding what has become corrupt, the type IV members see that the world was once created good and therefore cannot be all bad. It is corrupt and will be so until Christ’s return, but that does not mean that God took away all that is or can be good on the earth when sin fell on man. Those in the type IV grouping find great strength and grace in the redemption of Christ, with that, they see the earth and all that is in it more as a tool than a burden to be avoided. The tools that earth provides can be used in order to present Christ to

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