Cholly's Relationships With Pauline And Pecola

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Many unfortunate events took place during Cholly’s upbringing that had a direct negative affect on the relationship he holds with both Pauline and Pecola. The challenges and experiences Cholly faces throughout his life continually shape him into the adult he has become and help clarify the reasons for his actions.
At an early age, Cholly learns that his life would be extremely difficult. When he was four years old his parents abandoned him. The two people that were supposed to love him unconditionally and teach him life lessons had turned their back on him and created emotional damage. This marks the beginning of Cholly’s problematic life. Aunt Jimmy created a glimmer of hope for the future when she took on the role of his guardian. Unfortunately for Cholly, she passed away before he even hit his teenage years. Losing one parent could damage someone enough, but he lost three people that were intended to care for him. The feeling of neglect and loneliness has become all too familiar. The emotional affects are shaping Cholly into an introverted person with many internal conflicts. The...

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