Chinese Zodiac Vs. How Cats And Mice Became Enemies

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“Cat and Rat-Legend of the Chinese Zodiac” vs. “How Cats and Mice Became Enemies”

In both stories “Cat and Rat-Legend of the Chinese Zodiac” and “How Cats and Mice Became Enemies” it explains how the cat and mouse/rat came to hate one another after the mouse/rat had made a mistake and ruined their friendship. The two stories have many differences although they have very similar meanings.The meaning is that cats and mice/rats hate each other and now cats hunt mice/rat to get revenge. They have similar reasons for why the cat and rat/mouse hate each other, this would be called the thesis which in this case would be that the two stories are supposed to explain how even your best friend can betray you. This essay will show the similarities and …show more content…

Rat is a bit of jerk, he’s uncaring, and selfish. Two of the settings are the race and the wide river. The conflict of this story is were the rat choices to betray the cat and shove her in the river since he knew she couldn’t swim. Five of the developments of the conflict are the rat wanting to be the very first animal of the year, the rat thinking about how “he deserved to win,” the rat saw that the cat was asleep, he knew the cat could not swim, and he knew the cat loved fish. The resolution would be the cat lost the race. The theme is that people can be greedy and mess things up if you trust …show more content…

The mouse is foolish, quick on his feet, and fearful. Two settings are the river and the village that the didn't end up going to. The conflict is when the cat jumps into the water so she would not sink with the boat. Five of the conflict developments would be the rat making the pumpkin boat, eating all the food and still being hungry, eating part of the boat, and making a big hole. The conflict resolution would be the cat attacks the mouse. The theme is that you should think of what your doing and what will happen if you do this as well as that you should let people explain before going on conclusion that the meant the hurt you or anything like that.

In both stories there is a cat and a rodent of some sort, traveling accosted a river to get somewhere, the cat ends up in the water, the cat attacks the mouse/rat, and the cat falls asleep. Some things that are different are there is a rat in one and a mouse in another, in one there going to a race and in the other they are going to a village, they ride a buffalo in one and a pumpkin in another, in one the rat seems like the bad guy and in the other he seems like he just made a mistake, in one there is only the cat and mouse and in the other there is more

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