Chinatown Community Issues

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Community Issues
As above mentioned, the Chinatown’s residents have experienced some specific issues, high household with senior rate, low education levels, low-income, low English proficiency. The community has obviously faced some challenges, booming population, lack of green space. Additionally, developer signed a deal to build 62-acre neighborhood linking South Loop and the Chinatown in 2016, the last large undeveloped green space in downtown Chicago. Thus, the Chinatown will be influenced by more external forces than today. On the whole, the current and future needs of the Chicago’s Chinatown can be listed as below.
Immigration Services, as a traditional immigrant community, Chicago’s Chinatown has had immigrant services for their residents. The immigration services are expected to assist the residents to adjust themselves to new life by providing English as Second Language programs, guiding them into City of Chicago services and etc. However, with the booming population, there are some new needs or more needs have to be addressed in the community. In order to meet the needs of new increasing immigrants, the community requires more immigrant service providers or current immigrant service providers should serve more immigrant residents. …show more content…

It’s not only to cause the low-income, but also to decrease the opportunity of residents for improving life. Current adjacent public high schools, Tilden and Phillips, have low Asian attendance, at 1.7 percent and 0.4 percent respectively. Most Chinatown families sent their children to Thomas Kelly High School, one of the closest neighborhood schools. Though, the students still take two buses to get there. It causes many Chinatown students to give up on extracurricular activities. So the community desires to have better public high school options for children living in the

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