China is Oppressing the Uyghur People

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It has happened to most native peoples, they’re pushed out of their homelands by a big, foreign power. Peoples’ rights get violated, and they are treated as second class citizens. Native Americans, Africans, Siberians, Indians, it has happened to all of them. In Asia, a new superpower has risen up, communist China, and has gained a massive amount of influence, using the largest military in the world. The native peoples in the western borderlands have suffered the greatest, and most people have heard about the struggle of Tibet. Most of us, however, have not heard of another, more violent crackdown, on the Uyghur people. This paper will take you through all the inner workings of the conflict, from the background, to the reasons, to the violence.

Located in the province of Xianjing, the Uyghurs are isolated by massive mountains, deserts, Communist China, and extreme poverty. The Uyghurs are of Turkic origin, and were one of the 9 original tribes. One of these tribes, the Ottomans, sacked Constantinople in 1459, starting the rein of the Sultans for 400 years. The superpower carved a massive empire, from its roots in Turkey, to spread from the Russian steppes to the Alps to India, and stamping their name on history in blood. European history in the 1400‘s, 1500‘s, and 1600‘s centered on the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire and the Arabic people carved two massive empires in an extremely short time. They crushed the medieval christian kingdoms around Jerusalem, and quickly started attacking Christian kingdoms in Spain, Greece, and the Balkans. These conflicts between Muslims and Christians have been the longest and bloodiest in the history of the world, and still persist today. These Ottomans are, understandably, the most wel...

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...ghur rights, as human beings, being violated, and who's responsibility is it to make sure that rights aren’t violated, as well as if China is living up to its responsibilities as a world power, to take care of its people.

Works Cited

"About Uyghurs | Uyghur American Association." About Uyghurs | Uyghur American Association. Web. 20 Jan. 2014.

“China: Uighur Autonomous Region of Sinkiang” Encyclopedia Britanica. Ed. Jacob E. Safra. 26 vols. London: Encyclopedia Britanica Inc, 2002. P 213-224.

"Introduction to the Uyghur People." Chinese Culture. Web. 21

"Terrorism in China." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Jan. 2014. Web. 21 Jan. 2014.

"Uyghur." Uyghur Language, Alphabets and Pronunciation. Web. 21 Jan. 2014.

"Xinjiang." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Jan. 2014. Web. 21 Jan. 2014.

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