Children Should Not Play Competitive Sports

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Some think that children should play competitive sports, but others think they should not. Many people have been debating about this topic for a while but always comes to a matter of fact and opinion. This is an important debate between the people of today’s society because it could affect the future generations. It is clear that competitive sports aren’t the top option for children to play. Children should not play in competitive sports because it can cause injury, and It can also cause stress and pressure. One important reason why competitive sports aren’t suitable is because they can cause injury. By Stanford Children’s health, In the article “Sports Statistics” it was said, “More than 775,000 children, ages 14 and younger, are treated in hospital emergency rooms for sports-related injuries each year. Most of the injuries occurred as a result of falls, being struck by an object, collisions, and overexertion during unorganized or informal sports activities.” (2017). This supports …show more content…

The quote was stated by the author, who joined The NY Times as a specialist in medicine and biology in 1965 after completing degrees in biochemistry and science writing at The New York State College of Agriculture, and Life Sciences at Cornell University and the University of Wisconsin School of Journalism, and a two years as a reporter for the Minneapolis Tribune. In the article for “Children in Sports, a Breaking Point” a fact was stated by Brody that, “Encouraged by parents and coaches, many with visions of glory and scholarships, too many young athletes are being pushed — or are pushing themselves — to the point of breaking down, physically and sometimes emotionally” (2010). This illustrates the fact that children are being pushed way past their limits. The offspring of our generation feel the need to do more than they are capable

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