Children And The Influence Of Attachment Essay

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“Studies have indicated the importance of recognizing differing temperaments in children and the influence of attachment.” (Page 223) I have had a lot of experience working with infants and when I am not working with them, I work in the classroom beside of them, which has a huge hole in the wall, allowing us to see into the room. My personal opinion on spoiling infants can go either way. I think that you cannot judge an infant based off of them crying. For instance; if a new infant starts at daycare and cries all day, you cannot jump to conclusion that they are spoiled. Instead weigh out the options of a new environment, unfamiliar faces, and trust and security level. That being said, I do think that some infants are “spoiled”. We have a baby that …show more content…

As time went on, dad told us that they constantly hold her at home and at night time, she does not sleep if their hand is off of her. This is a big red flag. To me it is not the infants fault, even though we tend to get frustrated with them. This is their way of expressing attachment and security. Instead of allowing her to cry it out, we need to experiment with ways to soothe her, maybe swaddling? Putting her in the bumboo seat beside of us while we interact with the other infants. Holding and loving on a child is a great feeling, however it becomes pretty challenging when you cannot put the infant down to give the others the love and attention that they need. My opinions reflect my practices by teaching me to help find a more familiar comfort level. Babies obviously cannot talk, therefore they cry to express themselves to adults. We need to respond to their cries and try to find a soothing solution to create a level of comfort and respect with them. This is obviously easier said than done, however if a familiar face is in the room every day, it will be easier to achieve this relationship. To start off, every baby needs individual one on one time with the

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