Child Custody And Visitation Essay

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Child Custody and Visitation Appeals Child custody and visitation rulings are often a complicated and tiresome matter. When parents divorce, the courts are responsible for determining which guardian will retain primary custody of the child or children in question. Many factors, including the health and proven responsibility of the parents are taken into account. Additionally, the court will examine the living situations of both adults, their ability to adequately care for the child or children, and their overall means. The goal of the court in a child custody or visitation case is not to remove one parent from the child's life, but to ensure that the child is placed in the home that will give the most beneficial care. In many cases, the court attempts to find a solution that is equitable, with both parents having a nearly equal amount of custody and time with the child or children. Yet, in other cases that is not possible, nor is it prudent. If the parents are able to come to an agreement or understanding prior to the case appearing before the judge, the judge will gladly take that agreement into consideration. These are often the smoothest child custody and visitation cases, as the parents have inherently proven their willingness to work together for the child. In other circumstances, the parents are at …show more content…

Even in clear cut cases where both parties are amicable, the court system does not move very quickly on custody cases. This, more than anything, is due to the fact that the courts take these decisions very seriously. If you have completed a court case for child custody or visitation, and you have received a final judgment, then you may have the ability to appeal the decision given by the judge. It is only after a final judgment has been made that you may appeal, temporary judgments may not be appealed

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