30(1), 1-11. doi:10.1300/J019v30n01_01. Child abuse is a worldwide phenomenon that needs urgent attention. Kopp and Miltenberger (2008) in their study evaluated the validity and acceptability of using role-plays to assess sexual abuse prevention skills. Kopp and Miltenberger sent surveys to 97 Child Protective Service workers in North Dakota, in which 23 surveys were returned. Participants were informed that the scenarios were designed for use in assessing the sexual abuse prevention skills of 10 year old children. The participants were advised to rate the scenarios based on validity and social acceptability. The role-play scenarios were rated as realistic to very realistic on the validity dimension, and acceptable to very acceptable on the social acceptability dimension. Kopp and Miltenberger (2008) found that all scenarios were determined by the participants to be valid measures of sexual prevention skills and were deemed socially acceptable to be used with 10 year old children. The writer believes that Kopp and Miltenberger (2008) presented sufficient and relevant research literature that indicated a gap of knowledge regarding studies on sexual abuse prevention skills. This is practically important because the impact of child abuse on a child is profound and those negative effects can last a lifetime. The purpose of the study was to assess the validity and acceptability of a set of role-plays for assessing child abuse prevention skills, whereas the hypothesis seeks to determine whether role-plays were valid and acceptable for assessing child abuse prevention skills. Moreover, Kopp and Miltenberger provided limited operational definitions of the key terms used in the study. The writer believes that convenient sampling was us... ... middle of paper ... ...ieves that one cannot fathom all the situations or scenarios in which abuse can take place, and as such the scenarios used will be inadequate. In addition, deception was used as the respondents believed they were assessing the sexual prevention skills of 10 year old children; Kopp and Miltenberger (2008) failed to hold a debriefing session to inform the participants of the true nature of the study. Despite the shortcomings of the study, the writer concurs with Kopp and Miltenberger (2008) that the role plays used are valid and acceptable for assessing child abuse prevention skills; the study also demonstrated that role-plays have therapeutic value. Reference Kopp, B., & Miltenberger, R. (2008). Evaluating the Validity and Social Acceptability of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Skill Measures. Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 30(1), 1-11. doi:10.1300/J019v30n01_01.
he Importance Of Reflecting On Changes In Children’s Behaviour Regarding Abuse And Strategies Children Have To Protect Themselves
Wehrman, J. D., & Field, J. E. (2013). Play-Based Activities in Family Counseling. American Journal of Family Therapy, 41(4), 341-352. doi:10.1080/01926187.2012.704838
According to RAINN, (2009) approximately 10 per cent of all victims of sexual assault and abuse are adult and juvenile males. In terms of the nature of assault, real figures include a compendium of reported incidents ranging from unwanted sexual touching to forced penetration. To qualify this statement, it must be understood that the percentage does not reflect a vast number of crimes that go unreported due to issues that will be discussed in the present paper.
The effects of childhood sexual abuse carry on with the children forever. To what extent and to what effect does abuse have on children during adulthood? What are the main issues that adults have been abused suffer from in adulthood? Do they have more of a physical issue with preforming with their partner in the bedroom or do they have more of a mental block due to their trauma? The world had been asking these questions for far too long and we need answers on how helping the children of our world. The questions that have been stated have been answered through the two articles that will be summarized below.
90 out of 100 Vermonters were able to differentiate between what is “definitely child sexual abuse” and what “might be sexual abuse” (Tabachnick,Chasan-Taber & McMahon, 1997, pg. 2)
Sexual abuse cannot be clearly defined with ease. In fact, sexual abuse is an umbrella term for any sort of situation, whether or not it involves physical contact, in which a sexually immature child is exposed to anything sexual in nature. Because no child is psychologically mature enough for sexual stimulation, the complex feelings associated with it are mentally and emotionally disfiguring. Children who have been sexually abused experience an array of negative emotions such as shame, guilt and anger, and may display oddly withdrawn or distrustful behaviors. They cannot help but feel that they somehow brought the abuse unto themselves (Saisan, et al). One major contributing factor to these severe psychological consequences is the concept of trust. Sexual abuse is, in most cases, committed by a parent or other trusted adult figure. While children are naïve on such adult topics, they can still get an overwhelming feeling that the attention is wrong, yet they are unsure of how to cope with it. If the child has an emotional atta...
In conclusion, it would be in our best interest to incorporate, cognitive-behavioral approaches, psycho-educational approaches and standardized testing into effect in order to treat and lessen the chances of future sex offending.
The National Center on Sexual Behavior of Youth at the Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, Initials. (2003). what research shows about. Unpublished manuscript, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, The University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Retrieved from ncsby.org
Play is frequently used to asses cognitive and social development because it is cost-effective, can lead to direct interventions, and can be used to supervise progress. (Kelly-Vance & Ryalls, 2008) According to Blakemore, Berenbaum, and Liben (2009) cognitive development can be assessed by cognitive- environmental and developmental- constructivist approaches. Cognitive- environmental refers to the influence that parents and peers have in modeling gender appropriate behaviors. Developmental- constructive refers to the process that children use to create their own concepts of gender and gender-appropriate behaviors.
Rogers, S. and Evans, J. 2006. Playing the game? Exploring role play from children's perspectives. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 14 (1), pp. 43--55.
Seto, Michael C. Pedophilia and Sexual Offending against Children: Theory, Assessment, and Intervention. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2008. Print.
A child protective service worker is a person described as an investigator that explores claims of child abuse or neglect. They have the challenging assignment of guessing what happened and foretelling what will occur in the future. (Oncu, Kurt, Esenay, & Ozer, 2013) Child Protective Service receives and investigates allegation of abuse or neglect 24 hours per day, all day of the year. The profession of the child protective service has been labeled as difficult, demanding, and tremendously challenging, earlier studies have only measured the job in the setting of a community child welfare agency. The child protective services can and will remove a child from the home if the child has shown sign of abuse of any kind especially sexual. In the United States in 2011, 6.2 million children remained mentioned to child protective services for abuse or neglect. Once the demographic outline of stated children is related to that of the common people, it develops strong children appearance several families, commu...
Zhang, W., Chen, J., Feng, Y., Li, J., Zhao, X., & Luo, X. (2013). Young children's knowledge and skills related to sexual abuse prevention: A pilot study in Beijing, China. Child Abuse & Neglect, 37(9), 623-630. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2013.04.018
The actors engage in symbolic play when they act and communicate with each other. It has been shown that “play and drama therapies are widely used in the treatment of children and adolescents—particularly those with histories of disadvantage and trauma” (Bernstein 448). The play can also bring the cast and the director closer together as they must spend many hours rehearsing and preparing. When “clinicians do their part by initiating sessions and joining with clients and clients do their part by being actively involved rather than merely compliant,” a stable relationship is formed where the patient can become more comfortable and feel safe (Bernstein
More importantly, “60 percent of children who are sexually abused do not disclose and most are acquaintances but as many as 47 percent are family or extended family” (The Scope of, 2016). The prevalence of child sexual abuse is difficult to determine because it is often not reported; experts agree that the incidence is far greater than what is reported to authorities (Child Sexual Abuse, 2012). Startling statistics represent the depth of the issue. Globally, prevalence rates show that a range of 7-36% of women and 3-29% of men experience sexual abuse in childhood (The Scope of, 2016). “The U.S Department of Health and Human Services’ Children’s Bureau report child maltreatment 2010 found that 9.2% of victimized children were sexually assaulted” (Child Sexual Abuse,