Chicago World's Fair Thesis

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This passage occurred after both the resolution of the Chicago World's Fair on October 30th, 1893 and the beginning of the economic depression that engulfed Chicago’s businesses. Larson's purpose in this passage is to develop the connection that the Ferris Wheel and its inventor shared. Larson explains that the Ferris Wheel, the hallmark of the Chicago World’s Fair, remained in place until, “the spring of 1894”- only a year after the end of the Fair itself- and was moved elsewhere because it, “began losing money.” The amount of money spent transporting the wheel in combination with the steady decline of his steel-inspection company, Ferris, the inventor, had no choice, “but to sell most of the ownership of his wheel,” states Larson. Shortly thereafter, in 1896, Ferris and his wife separated, and two months after their separation he died at age thirty-seven of typhoid fever.

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