Charlie Gordon Flowers For Algernon Essay

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In the short story “Flowers for Algernon” Charlie Gordon is a lab subject for a new surgery that will triple his IQ founded by Dr.Nemur and Dr.Strauss. Before the surgery Charlie was very feeble minded, not being able to pick up on social ques, not being able to properly read or write, and not being able to tell the difference from when people were laughing with him or at him. At first Charlie's idea of intelligence was just to have the basics of reading and writing. As the story progresses, after his surgery is completed Charlie slowly starts to learn more information about Math, English, History and many other subjects to an extent where he had become smarter than the doctors that once looked down on him as just a test subject. At the peak of Charlie’s intelligence he …show more content…

“I was shocked to learn that the only ancient languages he could read were Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, and that he knows almost nothing of mathematics beyond the elementary levels of the calculus of variations. When he admitted this to me, I found myself almost annoyed. It was as if he'd hidden this part of himself in order to deceive me, pretending as do many people I've discovered to be what he is not. No one I've ever known is what he appears to be on the surface.”page 214. He looks down on Dr.Nemur as if he is a child, even though he has extreme intelligence far past the average level. He may be superior to Dr. Nemur but Dr.Nemur has one set of knowledge Charlie does not. Being able to have social skills and pick up on social ques. Charlie can not talk to others due to his extensive knowledge. Finally one day at the lunch after a mentally retarded boy dropped dished he realize that by him laughing is not the right thing to do and is not okay by his self standards. “I’d hidden the picture of the old Charlie Gordon from myself because now that I was intelligent it was something that had to be pushed out of my

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