Charlie Gordon Flowers For Algernon

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Option 4 Flowers for Algernon Essay
In Flowers for Algernon, Charlie Gordon, a thirty-seven-year-old man with a mental disorder, undergoes surgery to increase him intelligence. He goes from the IQ of 68 to 204. His mood changes drastically after the surgery. Eventually, his memory goes away after a month of being super smart. Along with his intelligence, his mood changes hugely. Charlie was better off before the surgery. He was nicer, had more motivation, and he felt less lonely before the surgery. Along with Charlie's intelligence, the surgery changed his emotions hugely. From laughing at a teenager with a disorder to telling his favorite doctor to get away, Charlie's personality had a negative effect after the surgery. Starting off, Charlie's personality was better before his surgery. Even though, he couldn't process information very well, he always seemed to be pretty happy. Page 3 of the PDF of Flowers for Algernon says "I got so exited I jumped up and shook his hand for being so good to me." This was when the doctors chose Charlie to undergo …show more content…

It started when Charlie realized how fake his friends really were. Before he had surgery, he thought his friends like him a lot. He didn't feel alone because he thought he would always have his friends to hang out with him and care for him. When he realized they actually hated him, he thought nobody actually cared for him. On page 18 of the PDF, Charlie says, "Dr. Strauss came to see me again. I wouldn't open the door and I told him to go away. I want to be left to myself." He would just stay his room and have thoughts of suicide. Also, Charlie is so much smarter than everyone else that he can't really relate to anyone and it is really hard to make friends for him. Everyone's first impression of him was an adult that couldn't process information and he was known as dumb. Everyone would be super rude to him and Miss Kinnian is really the only one who cared for him a

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