Characteristics Of Emile Durkheim Elementary Forms Of Religious Life

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Emile Durkheim:
Elementary forms of religious life
Emile Durkheim (1858 - 1917) was born in Lorraine, France, and was raised in a traditional Orthodox Jewish family. In 1893 he brought a doctoral dissertation entitled Division of Labor in Society (1893), which became a classic in sociology. He wrote the rules of Sociological Approach (1966/1895) and suicide (1897). Durkheim in 1906 became a professor at the Sorbonne and in 1912 issued his final book / last, The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, where he developed his theory of religion. Durkheim belongs French sociological tradition, which was concerned with questions of social integration and social unity. The notion that society forms an integrated unity was prominent in Germany and France by the end of the nineteenth century, and was important for Durkheim. Durkheim 's belief is that all forms of religion are essentially the same. To study more closely religion, the religion he wanted to examine the most simple and primitive known, assuming that it must represent the basic model for all religions. The issue of religion in general today is highly complex. We hear …show more content…

He describes religion in modern societies, which he believes will be rational and will express the values of the society and its unity. Faith will be based on reason and justice will be one of its core values. In religion, man is the object of a new cult. Durkheim refers to this new religion as individualism or individualism as a cult or cult of the individual man or eventually as a personal cult of man (Pickering 1984: 485). Since the cult of the individual represents the highest moral ideal of society, the state should organize worship and be his head. Humanist religion is not fully united with the state, but he transcends the nation state as well. It is also universal in a fundamental way, as he refers to humanity as a moral subject and

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