Character Analysis Tartuffe

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In Tartuffe, Cléante is characterized by what he says, what others say about him, and his reaction to others. As shown in the play, Cléante is Orgon’s brother-in-law and Elmire’s brother who is very intelligent and outspoken. Throughout the play, Cléante speaks his opinions and tries to set the characters on the right path. The author of Tartuffe, Moliére, portrays Cléante as outspoken, wise, and peaceful. Moliére reveals Cléante by using the methods aforementioned. One way that Moliére reveals Cléante is through what he says. One quote that shows this takes place during a conversation between Cléante and Orgon regarding how Orgon has been fooled by Tartuffe. This quote is spoken by Cléante to Orgon. “Spare me your warnings, Brother; I have …show more content…

One excerpt that demonstrates this can be found in an exchange between Damis, Orgon, and Cléante after Orgon reveals Tartuffe as a hypocrite and Tartuffe threatens him. This quote is from Cléante reacting to Damis after he threatens to kill Tartuffe. “What a display of young hotheadedness! Do learn to moderate your fits of rage. In this just kingdom, this enlightened age, one does not settle things by violence” (86). In this excerpt, Cléante is portrayed as a peaceful man who does not tolerate violence. Cléante’s reaction to Damis’s outburst very much describes his views on certain topics, which are related to his character. Consequently, Cléante is portrayed as peaceful through his reaction to others. In conclusion, it is probable that Moliére used these characterization techniques to emphasize certain qualities in Cléante. Moliére might have wanted certain characteristics to be prominent in Cléante, such as being intelligent, worldly, and perhaps a bit amicable. The recurring use of characterization methods in different passages of the play stressed the desired traits of Cléante. Conceivably, Moliére could have been attempting to make Cléante an example of great disposition and mentality. All in all, it is plausible that Moliére employed these characterizing methods in order to highlight particular

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