Overcoming Disability: A Brother's Determination in Scarlet Ibis

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Imagine having a little brother with a heart problem causing him not to be a like normal kids. Imagine being the Brother to that kid and having to deal with him and his disabilities everyday. Now imagine being that Brother and deciding to do something about it. That’s exactly what Brother decides to do in James Hurst’s short story “Scarlet Ibis”. Brother tries to help Doodle, his little brother become more normal. Brother is six years old when Doodle is born. Brother is determined Doodle is going to die and his Father, even builds a coffin for him. After Doodle was born Brother plans on killing him until he finds out he is “all there” (Hurst 1). Doctors say Doodle will never be able to walk, but Brother thinks he can teach him how to before …show more content…

In the story “Scarlet Ibis,” Brother is determined to make Doodle walk and do normal things that other kids can do. Brother says “When Doodle was five years old, I was embarrassed at having a brother of that age who couldn't walk, so I set out to teach him”(Hurst 2). Brother was so embarrassed that Doodle couldn’t walk at the age of five he decided he would teach him. Brother was also determined to teach Doodle how to run, swim, climb trees, and fight. Brother taught Doodle how to walk and he decided if he could do that then he could teach him other skills as well. He was so determined he said he would do it by school time. Lastly Brother was determined by not giving up on Doodle. Brother wanted Doodle to be like other kids so bad that whenever it was the day before school and Doodle could not do what Brother wanted him to do he decided he couldn’t do anymore. He was upset about it because he was so sure and determined he could make Doodle like himself and other kids but he failed. In the short story “Scarlet Ibis” Brother shows his determination by deciding not to give up on Doodle walking and teach him himself, also when he decides to teach Doodle how to be like normal kids, lastly when he did not give up on Doodle like most people would when Doodle did not get things on the first try but Brother kept working with him till he got

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