Character Analysis Of A Birthmother In 'The Giver'

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What about the society is revealed by the reaction to the eye color? It is revealed that in the society, everyone is practically identical by the reaction to Gabriel’s distinctive eye color. What is a birthmother? A Birthmother is an assignment which can only be given to females because males are unable to produce offsprings. From what Jonas’ mother proclaimed, it is an assignment that has immensely little honor. When you have the assignment as a Birthmother, you will only be allowed to produce 3 children. After doing so, you will have to become a Laborer for the remainder of your adult years until you enter the House of the Old. You will simply have 3 easygoing years since Birthmothers are provided with delightful meals, have gentle exercise periods and can partake in games or amuse yourself when you are waiting. However, after that period of time, you would have to do hard physical labour until the day you become an elder. Also, Birthmothers never get to …show more content…

Lily stated that she wants to be a Birthmother because they are provided with every necessity and don’t have to do much work from what her friend told her. She also thinks that new children are adorable that’s why she desires to be a Birthmother so she can see them more often. However, Jonas' mother said that being a Birthmother is an assignment that takes 3 years and they can only have 3 births. After that, Birthmothers would become Laborers for the remainder of their adult lives until the day that they enter the House of the Old. They simply have 3 years in which they will be provided with delicious food, have exceptionally gentle exercise periods and can participate in games or amuse themselves when they are waiting. After that period of time, they would have to do hard physical labour until they are old. Jonas’ father then announced that birthmothers never get to see new

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