Character Analysis: All Quiet

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Mare Barrow is 17 years old. She is born to ordinary Red-blooded parents. Her three older brothers have already been put into the army. Mare knows she will be shipped off to war as soon as she reaches 18. Her younger sister, Gisa, will be able to provide for their parents, as she is a talented seamstress. Kilorn, Mare’s best friend, loses his position as an apprentice, Mare promises to help him escape the army. Gisa sneaks Mare into a protected city, which is run by Silvers, in order for Mare to steal the money she needs to pay to get Kilorn free. Before she can sneak into the protected city, the city is thrown into chaos as the Silvers find out that there has been a terrorist attack in the capital. The culprits are a group of Reds known as the Scarlet Guard. When Mare …show more content…

He arranges for her to secretly visit her family. She learns that her brothers did get released from the army. She also learns that her youngest brother, Shade, was killed in battle before the order came. Mare seeks out the leader of the Scarlet Guard, Farley, in order to prove her loyalty to them. She is surprised to find that Prince Maven also hopes to help in the revolution against the ruling class.They help the Scarlet Guard enter the palace and assassinate three top officials but several members of the Guard are captured during the fight. One of them is Mare’s friend Kilorn. Mare begs Julian to use his ability to manipulate minds to persuade multiple palace guards into helping Kilorn and the other Scarlet Guard members to escape. While they were doing that, a guard shoots Mare. The blood she spills near the jail will be analyzed. The truth of Mare’s identity will be revealed. Prince Maven vows to protect her. While all of that is happening, King Tiberius and his family return to the capital. Along the way, Mare sees more cities populated by Reds. They have been forced to serve the Silvers as little more than

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