Changeling Sparknotes

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The captivating film Changeling (2008) highlights the true story of single mother Christine Collins, portrayed by Angelina Jolie, in her desperate search for her nine-year-old son, Walter, who was kidnapped in the late 1920’s. Several months after Walter was announced missing, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) seemingly found him and then returned him to Christine, only to her dismay upon realizing it was not her son. Chief of Police James Davis eventually sends Collins to the Psychopathic Ward of Los Angeles County, refuting her claims that LAPD returned the wrong child to her. Upon meeting lawyer S.S. Hahn, Collins was able to leave the ward and testify in court. With the help of Hahn as well as the state judiciary, Collins was eventually …show more content…

However, they possess the power to interpret the laws and judge what they believe constitutional and unconstitutional. In the context of the film, the lower district courts ultimately hear Collin’s case, as explained in great detail by her lawyer, S.S. Hahn. Although the judiciary does not possess the power to create any laws regarding her circumstances, they are able to hear the evidence brought forth by Collins and Hahn, ultimately leading the judiciary to decide that LAPD did, in fact, return the wrong child. Hahn and Collins brought forth evidence to the court including the fact that the child returned to her was three inches shorter than her actual son, Walter, the child returned to her also was not remembered by his teacher when he arrived back to school and could not locate his assigned seat in class. In addition, Walter’s dentist noted that Walter had a gap between his two front teeth, and yet the child who was returned to Collins had perfectly even teeth. Taking all of this evidence into account and later locating the mastermind who kidnapped Walter—Gordon Northcott, the court in the civil trial permanently suspended Chief Davis for incarcerating Mrs. Collins without a warrant, as Collins was unjustly and improperly thrown into the psychopathic

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