Challenges And Benefits Of Online Education

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Online education is often referred to as distant learning. In the mid-1900s there were children who lived on remote farms and ranches. At this time education studies were broadcasted via radio. In1953 the University of Houston began to offer televised courses for credit. In 1959 University of Chicago also began to produce Sunrise Semester a series of televised lectures. The 1960’s creation of interactive teaching programs were the beginning of using computer technology for this purpose. By the 1980s educators were investigating where education is today with network online learning. This paper will explain the benefits, challenges and concerns about online education.
The benefits of this type of education were intended to allow students with …show more content…

With technology today a course’s complete curriculum can be set up and ready for students to follow with minimal interaction from an instructor. Quality of education presented online may be questioned. This can be due to a revolving set of the same information presented to students each semester with no new studies. Students not being stimulated by assignment cause students to lose interest in having more online time to study the class subject they are learning. Students may lack motivation without mentoring during a class. With the feeling of no teacher in physical form and only via email, a student may feel left alone with a load of stress when learning. Some students may not have patience when contacting an instructor online. This can be when a student waits till the last minute to complete work and needs assistance. Often this will make a student work faster and not produce a better product.
In a busy world online education allows students to further their education to obtain more options. Online education allows students to have a job and obtain credits toward a degree. With concerns about the absence of teachers, technology assures students they can continue learning with teachers more accessible to the student. Attending college on the go is a common choice today with access to technology everywhere they go. Online education allows students to compete for higher pay jobs when graduated. This will maximize a higher educated population and this is necessary to keep America

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