Cell Phones Should Not Be Banned While Driving Essay

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Cell phones are necessary to have in the car because they save lives and are very convenient. “As of 2013, about 80 percent of the world 's population uses mobile phones” ("21st Century"). To ask for a ban of one of the most popular technological advancements society has ever seen would be crazy. Cell phones has become more than just a tool to connect with another person. Cell phones contain the same characteristics of a computer, so most people take advantage of these qualities while driving to work every day. Phones can be used to document information, keep track of events, communicate to be all over the world, and they can save someone’s life in an emergency. Cell phones should not be banned while driving because they are a useful tool …show more content…

She states, "I find myself driving with my knees while I hand out breakfast and drinks like a flight attendant. I referee arguments. Once, I even reached back to deflect a carsick kid 's vomit out a window with a sun visor” (Mahoney). This women is clearly not paying attention to the road because of her kid’s uncontrollable needs and she places every other driver in a possible hazardous situation. She continues saying, “The worst part is that I had a cousin who died in a car crash (she was trying to get something off the floor for her child), and it still hasn 't stopped me from making these bad choices" (Mahoney). This accident was caused by the distraction of the woman’s children, not because she was irresponsible by using her phone at the wrong time. Unfortunately, this behavior is repeated by numerous parents because there haven’t been many accidents in the news that blatantly state that children were the distraction that caused the accident. If anything, cell phones are more likely to be blamed for accidents because they can be controlled unlike children. Because cell phones have options to be silenced and be turned off, researchers tend to focus on them being the sole reason as to why people are getting distracted from their surroundings due to poor decision making. However, kids create an even …show more content…

There are actually many factors that go into causing an accident. For instance, weather, the driver’s emotional state, conditions of the road, other drivers, unfamiliar environment, mechanical issues, inability to focus on detail and react quickly, or even just poor driving in general. “Using the hands free car phone can be about the same distraction as using a mobile phone, as well as having another person in the car. It is not the phone that is the problem, it’s the ability to pay attention” (“Should All Mobile Phone Use in Cars Be Banned?"). As silly as it sounds, people can’t blame an inanimate object for an accident. Phones aren’t driving the car, they aren’t making the decisions, and they aren’t making the drivers choose to look at a text message for instance. People are to blame because they are making the decision to take their eyes off the road and they should know that you have to pay really close attention when driving a car because a lot can happen in a few seconds of driving. Therefore, cell phones shouldn’t be banned because of people’s mistakes. Cell phones are useful to have, but people need to learn to pay attention and know that they shouldn’t take their eyes off the road for any

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