The salty sweat drips off of the tip of her nose. Her mind is crying out for help; searching all over for a distraction. “You don’t have to do this!” Ignoring the fact she is one of the best soul singers alive, she finds herself sitting in her dressing room, ready to shoot up. With only twenty minutes to spare, she quickly grabs an elastic head band. “Tie it tighter! It will work faster. Better.” Her arm bulges out a bright blue vein. Grabbing the lighter, she lights the bottom of the spoon until the sight of liquid appears to be hot. Looking at the clock, she knows there is only ten minutes left. She places the lip of the needle on the spoon and grabs every drop of liquid in sight. Before she knew it, her hand was moving towards the vein. The needle is screaming to puncture the skin. Her mind is yelling, telling her there’s a better way out but her body is saying otherwise. It’s over. Her body took control and her mind is now relaxed. Chills approach her body as a knock at the door yells “LETS GO! IT’S SHOW TIME!”
Addiction to drugs is very common in most music artist today. Society stresses the need for better music to vibe to, so music artists turn to an easier way to deal with it. It has damaged many music artists over the years and hasn’t gotten any better today. Most artists are faced with developing a bad addiction problem. Those who admit they have an addiction problem, seeks help and continues the rest of their musical career. As for the artists who do not choose the rehab rout, is faced with ruining their entire career and possibly their life.
Alcohol Addiction:
Alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in the US. One in every 12 adults suffers from alcohol abuse. Alcohol addiction is very common in modern ...
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...n’s brother who later admitted after her death that he had firsthand introduced her to it because of the amount of stress and worries she was dealing with. Cocaine use was part of the reason Whitney Houston had drowned to death in her own bath tub.
Alcohol, Heroin and Cocaine addictions are just a few of what our modern day music artist deal with. As society, we put a large amount of pressure on music artist because we want good music to listen to. Of course, not all music artists are on drugs, addicted to drugs or have died because of a drug overdose. The artist that do suffer from drug addictions are usually the artists society had least expected.
Works Cited
Drug & Alcohol Review. Jan2013, Vol. 32 Issue 1, p53-59. 7p. 1 Chart, 3 Graphs.
Addiction. Mar2010, Vol. 105 Issue 3, p515-523. 9p. 1 Diagram, 3 Charts, 1 Graph.
...y, H. (2008). Drug use and abuse: a comprehensive introduction (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth.
Drug addiction is on the largest contributing factors for the deaths of millions of people throughout out the ages. Todays day in age drugs have become more dangerously more potent than they were a decade back. The majority of the population believe that the reason addicts become hooked on drugs because the the chemical triggers found in the drug. This has caused many society as a whole to look down on drug addicts and treat them with less respect than anyone who is not a drug addict. Johann Hari is an english author and journalist who was published articles in newspapers like the New York times, Huffington post and the Guardian, Hari has published his own book Chasing the Scream were he goes into a three year journey on the war on drugs.
Brecher, Edward M. (1972) Licit and Illicit Drugs; The Consumers Union Report on narcotics, stimulants, depressants, inhalants, Hallucinogens, and marijuana- including caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. New York, 291-390 - WebMD, 2009. Web. The Web. The Web. 25 Mar. 2014. The 'Standard' of the Roleff, Tamara L. Alcoholism.
Liehr, P, Marcus, M, Carroll, D, Granmayeh, K L, Cron, S, Pennebaker, J ;( Apr-Jun 2010). Substance Abuse; Vol. 31 (2); 79-85. Doi: 10.1080/08897071003641271
Alcohol is the premier drug choice among many youths. A national survey found that slightly more than half of young adults in the United States between the ages of 12 and 20 have consumed alcohol at least once. A psychoactive drug that depresses the central nervous system, alcohol, like tobacco, affects both the mind and the body. It lowers the brain’s ability to control behavioral functions and impairs one’s ability to perform basic motor skills. In today’s society, it is not a surprise for young teens to consume alcohol before they have reached the legal drinking age of twenty-one. Due to this, it has become a leading health problem in the United States. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, about 4,358 people
the nation at the time, not just with musicians, the latter half of the 20th century has suffered several musical casualties to the drug. As the great players, such as Charlie Parker, began using, the up and coming
Often the issue of addiction causes many negative impacts to a person’s life. This affects the addict’s mind and physiology which may result in negatively impacting their interpersonal relationships with others and work environment. While addiction can range from the use of prescription drugs to illegal narcotics, the addiction that will be focused on is addiction to alcohol. Since the days of “speakeasy’s” and the prohibition era, alcohol has been the topic of conversation among the variety of cultures and socioeconomic status. Alcohol continues to contribute to the lives across generations as evidenced by music. Regardless of the musical genre, artists share their interpretation and experience of alcohol in the lyrics of their
Many people avoid the use of crack because of the harmful chemicals used in creating the drug. One of the reasons why crack became popular is because of not needing to inject the drug hence less risks of being infected by the AIDS virus. Carroll (2000) states cocaine is the most powerful stimulant of natural origin. Most users snort or inject the drug to enable a quicker “high.” Cocaine use brings on many health problems.
When people hear the words drug addict, these words have negative connotations and stigmas attached to them. People visualize a person who does not care about anything, including family, work, or commitments, except for obtaining money to buy drugs to get high. However, there are many people who are drug addicts that maintain a normal, functioning life. Before we can examine why these people are addicted to drugs, one must first define the word addict.
Jazz and drugs are often a mixture of destruction being that many musicians were associated with drugs like heroine, alcohol, and marijuana. (Jazz Culture, Pg,78) Drugs killed many musicians at a very young age. Paul Chambers of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania transformed the bass from outlining triads to playing intricate melodies. According to Frater, Jamie (July 8, 2009) He suffered from alcoholism, heroin addiction, and tuberculosis. ( Top 10 Jazz Artist Who Died Young, Lis)
“For every family that is impacted by drugs, there are another 10 to 15 families impacted by alcohol abuse. It's a pretty big deal. We have a tendency to only look at part of the puzzle.” (Kevin Lewis). As a society we tend to categorize the severity of addiction in a way that drugs are the most dangerous and alcohol being just a problem. Because alcohol addiction can be a slow progressive disease many people don’t see it in the same light as drug addiction. An addiction to drugs is seen as being a more deadly and dangerous issue then that of alcohol because a drug addiction can happen more quickly and can kill more quickly. Alcohol is something that is easy to obtain, something that is found at almost every restaurant. People with an alcohol addiction can not hide from alcohol as easy as a drug addict. Approximately 7 million Americans suffer from alcohol abuse and another 7 million suffer from alcoholism. (Haisong 6) The dangers of alcohol affect everyone from children with alcoholic parents, to teenagers who abuse alcohol, then to citizens who are terrorized by drunk drivers.
Alcohol abuse is the most common problem, nowadays. In fact, majority of people drink alcohol repeatedly to the point where they have difficulty to stop. Statistics show that, as much as, “40% of college students report drinking five or more drinks in one episode” (Walters & Baer, 2006). Alcohol has become more popular over the years as advertisements, simultaneously with commercials of it, filled the media. It also is easily accessible and cheap in comparison to other psychoactive substances. On the other hand, alcohol safety awareness programs are barely noticeable. My research will present how alcohol and its abuse gets into people’s lives and how it influences their physical and mental health, as well as, social existence.
Zelman, K. (1995, Dec). Retrieved from The Alcohol Debate: Should You or Shouldn't You:
The use of drugs is a controversial topic in society today. In general, addicts show a direct link between taking drugs and suffering from their effects. People abuse drugs for a wide variety of reasons. In most cases, the use of drugs will serve a type of purpose or will give some kind of reward. These reasons for use will differ with different kinds of drugs. Various reasons for using the substance can be pain relief, depression, anxiety and weariness, acceptance into a peer group, religion, and much more. Although reasons for using may vary for each individual, it is known by all that consequences of the abuse do exist. It is only further down the line when the effects of using can be seen.