Celebrities In Society Essay

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Napoleon Hill once said, “Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.” This quote should be frequently used in society’s everyday lives. Celebrities influence people’s lives on a day-to-day basis and they do not even realize it. People use reality T.V. and commercials to figure out what they are supposed to wear or how they are supposed to live, but what they do not realize, is that the majority of media is fake. As a whole, we need to figure out how to tell if what the media is portraying is realistic. Adults and children cannot be comparing their lives to millionaires. Celebrities affect society constantly, and put a lot of pressure on everyday people. Men are portrayed as having huge muscles and abs. Men tend to compare themselves to celebrities and try to act and be like them. “Interestingly, 85 percent of the celebrities cited were male. Indeed, only two men out of 72 selected female idols. Boon attributes this finding to fewer female role models in categories like televised professional sports. In addìtion,"Men often choose other men as mentors and heroes, while women tend to select guys they are attracted to," she explains.” (Boon, 18). They tell the men that if they drink this, or workout with this, they are going to have celebrity bodies. Some of the men do not look like that in real life, which is sad for society because the editors are completely changing a person so they will be more appealing to people’s lives. The media is also influencing more people to use drugs by advertising how celebrities are going through rehab, and they are using drugs. Men and adults are affected by this, and the celebrities are influenc... ... middle of paper ... ...on T.V., such as limited drinking, no drugs, and limited profanity. Some celebrities have achieved this, but some still need to work. For example, Miley Cyrus is one of the most influential people, and look what she has done with herself. Celebrities can help change us for the better, it is just them realizing what they are capable of, and achieving it. Overall, celebrities have a lot of work to do for the future if they want our generations to be better and healthy. They need to start improving their images when on T.V., such as limited drinking, no drugs, and limited profanity. Some celebrities have achieved this, but some still need to work. For example, Miley Cyrus is one of the most influential people, and look what she has done with herself. Celebrities can help change us for the better, it is just them realizing what they are capable of, and achieving it.

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